8 More Digital LCS Screenshots

By Chris | 5th Sep 2005 at 18:56 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 2 Comments

Thanks to the latest issue of PSM, and it's supplementary DVD. We now have eight more Liberty City Stories Screenshots, you've probably seen them before in magazines but these ones are digital quality.

Check out the Screenshots page to see them.


Thanks to Freddy50000 for getting them off the DVD.

Steven's photo
Steven 5th September, 2005 @ 19:30 - Permalink

wow pretty cool screenshots.

good job Freddy50000

and that first pic u posted has snow.probley the best feture added to GTA ,next to 3-D that is ;)

mvi's photo
mvi 5th September, 2005 @ 19:47 - Permalink

How about proper flight or bikes or a player that talks. Snow's quite a nice inclusion but I'm not getting excited over it

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