LCS Hidden Package Guide

By Adriaan | 13th Nov 2005 at 11:04 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 4 Comments


This morning I received an email from Tash who created a nice hidden package guide for Liberty City Stories. Not only does he explain how to get each package, but he has also posted screenshots with it to show its location on both the map and in the game. This guide is currently a work in progress, but when it's done it should look great. Thumbs up Tash!

Link: Teliko21's LCS Hidden Package Guide

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 13th November, 2005 @ 15:11 - Permalink

thanks Adriaan. This is be useful for all those people who own lcs.

nigger101's photo
nigger101 26th August, 2006 @ 06:30 - Permalink

hey thanks, i finaly found them all

SMCentral's photo
SMCentral 26th August, 2006 @ 12:57 - Permalink

WOW what a bump, I remember this as soon as GTA LCS came out on Adriaan's site

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 6th September, 2006 @ 09:28 - Permalink

good one adriaan. I have now got all the hidden packages. Its a shame that when you get them all, theres such a small prize at the end of it all.

This is what happens when you collect all 100 packages, or something along the lines of this.

"You found all the hidden packages! Have ,000 on us!"

Now, i was disappointed with this. Sure, its an achievement, but i wanted more than just ,000. I mean, you get 0,000 for completing the last mission for f*** sake. They should have done something extra, like unlocking the barriers in the tunnel in shoreside vale.

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