New Design - Happy Easter

By Chris | 17th Apr 2006 at 01:26 GMT in General | 29 Comments

It's been needed for a very long time, and they're finally here, the new designs for The GTA Place. Made by yours truly, I have been working on these all last week, and everything is looking good. So here it is, your Easter present.

All the pages should work, also we're planning on updating our outdated content in the next few weeks too so we'll be an all round better GTA resource. If you notice any bugs on any pages, or would just like to leave feedback please do so by commenting on this topic. I'd appreciate the constructive criticism as well.

This is version 4.0 of The GTA Place, yes our fourth major design change, inspired by my redesign of my Alan Wake fan site. This one should be here to stay for quite some time, and we now have different styles for each GTA game, or most of them anyway.

So, enjoy the new and improved website!

NOTE about cookies - We had to edit the cookie settings for the forum a little bit so everyone will have been logged out, you can just login again though. This is because I wanted to personalise the site a little more, so now when logged in the main site will give you useful links to the forum on the left menu, or will display a login box if you are not logged in.

The welcome back message will also be personalised as you may well have already noticed.

By the way if you're seeing old stretched logo's or other weird stuff, clear your cache and temporary files, or press CTRL + F5 to hard refresh the page.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 17th April, 2006 @ 01:39 - Permalink

Wow! Looks a pretty neat, doesn't it guys? Almost like Nuh Yok and Sam Houser.

Chris's photo
Chris 17th April, 2006 @ 01:46 - Permalink

You know what? I think it's even better than those 2 uber images... :P

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 17th April, 2006 @ 02:00 - Permalink

i like the new design better, however, it is slightly big for my PC. but it still looks good

EDIT: 100th Post!

Sabin's photo
Sabin 17th April, 2006 @ 03:32 - Permalink
i like the new design better, however, it is slightly big for my PC. but it still looks good

Fits fine on my monitor. Well I have a 1024 x 768 LCD monitor. :)

Anyway cool design!

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 17th April, 2006 @ 03:37 - Permalink

:w00t: holy doggy craping shit,that looks amazing :clapping:

this looks better that the officail R* website :w00t:

The JD's photo
The JD 17th April, 2006 @ 04:07 - Permalink

Yea, the new design does look good. Kudos to all those whose efforts paid for it. BTW wheelman101, it looks better than the official R* website because R* use, and I quote, "Amateur" source code, remember!

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 17th April, 2006 @ 04:28 - Permalink
Yea, the new design does look good. Kudos to all those whose efforts paid for it. BTW wheelman101, it looks better than the official R* website because R* use, and I quote, "Amateur" source code, remember!

people have different opinions,but i still like this new redesign

The JD's photo
The JD 17th April, 2006 @ 04:50 - Permalink

You misunderstood. I do like the new design. I was merely quoting an earlier reference from the April Fools gag about how some people said that Rockstar's Source code was "Amateur".

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 17th April, 2006 @ 04:55 - Permalink
You misunderstood. I do like the new design. I was merely quoting an earlier reference from the April Fools gag about how some people said that Rockstar's Source code was "Amateur".

oh srry for misunderstanding :wtf:

Slayer's photo
Slayer 17th April, 2006 @ 08:27 - Permalink

I like this skin much more than the older one. Anyway, you'll have to redesign buttons on main site aswell.

xPyrox's photo
xPyrox 17th April, 2006 @ 09:41 - Permalink

I like it, much better, looks so much cooler in a blueish colour than it ever did in orange...

And YEY! I'm finally able to register! O_O;;; Stupid computer.. >.<

Chris's photo
Chris 17th April, 2006 @ 11:27 - Permalink

Glad you all like it.

So what's everyones favourite colour scheme?

888ball's photo
888ball 17th April, 2006 @ 13:09 - Permalink

I love it, its just so beautiful *sniff* Good work Chris, it looks a lot more proffesional now. My favourite colour scheme is probably the GTA3 one. Hopefully this will attract more visitors to the site. Good job. :D

Dave1's photo
Dave1 17th April, 2006 @ 14:03 - Permalink

Very nice chris, I love it.

xPyrox's photo
xPyrox 17th April, 2006 @ 15:37 - Permalink

My fav colour scheme is the main page one, it's just the best :D..

Chris's photo
Chris 17th April, 2006 @ 16:45 - Permalink

Thanks for the pleasing comments everyone. Please read the post again for a note about cookies on the forum, you probably all got logged out.

Gerard's photo
Gerard 17th April, 2006 @ 17:27 - Permalink

Yeah I think its awesome. Just some of the links on the navbar are a bit too dark, and I'd move some of the panels around, but other than that its a thumbs-up from me. :thumbsup:

Sabin's photo
Sabin 17th April, 2006 @ 17:33 - Permalink

Is this site powered by php-nuke?

Chris's photo
Chris 17th April, 2006 @ 17:43 - Permalink

No way. We'd be hacked everyday with that software which is frankly, SHIT. Worst CMS ever.

The GTA Place is completely custom coded by me.

chris82's photo
chris82 17th April, 2006 @ 18:12 - Permalink

TGTAP was powered by PHP-Nuke a long time ago.

Anyway, yes, I love the design, but we also need a forum skin. Maybe tweak Ambience or CaliSkin.

Sabin's photo
Sabin 17th April, 2006 @ 18:35 - Permalink
TGTAP was powered by PHP-Nuke a long time ago.

You mean like this? :)

Actually the entire site is archive here*/

Ya but php-nuke has too many holes to get hacked. Like sql injections

Steven's photo
Steven 17th April, 2006 @ 22:05 - Permalink

after seeing most of the laytouts through the years for thegtaplace, this is sofar the best. :)

what about gta4 page :mellow:

( i saw the old ones at )

Chris's photo
Chris 18th April, 2006 @ 00:55 - Permalink

I have no imagery or artwork to use for a GTA4 design. With no idea of what the game will be like I can't make any suitable.

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 18th April, 2006 @ 03:23 - Permalink





Gerard's photo
Gerard 18th April, 2006 @ 07:14 - Permalink

:erm: Why are you out of your cage again, Switch?

But yeah seriously, Chris - kudos. And glad everybody seems to like it. Just the forums to re-vamp (again) now.

YoungFools's photo
YoungFools 18th April, 2006 @ 19:43 - Permalink

you really have shown some amazing improvements!!!! nice going!

Parky's photo
Parky 19th April, 2006 @ 15:38 - Permalink

Got confused when i first saw it. But now im used to it, looks great! good work!!

888ball's photo
888ball 19th April, 2006 @ 17:42 - Permalink
Just the forums to re-vamp (again) now.

Thats true, i would help, but im useless when it comes to CSS and code.

We're nearly ready for the next surge in GTA attention. :clapping:

Jared's photo
Jared 26th April, 2006 @ 10:27 - Permalink

It's looking great, the blacks nice. Mabye a simalar look should be given to the forums too so the forums and main site looks simalar. Nice work though, i'm loving the new template. :thumbsup:

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