LCS for PS2 Delayed Another Fortnight

By Chris | 31st May 2006 at 12:59 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 4 Comments

Bad news for PS2 owners in Europe as Rockstar have pushed back Liberty City Stories' PS2 release again. The release date for the game is now June 23rd.

Currently there doesn't seem to be a valid reason why it should be delayed. I can't imagine why, after all, it's virtually a straight port from the PSP version, just without the multiplayer features. The US release of the game seems unaffected as of yet, so we assume it's still a June 6th release for them.

We'll keep you updated on any reasoning behind this delay. Stay tuned.

Source: Eurogamer

888ball's photo
888ball 31st May, 2006 @ 21:18 - Permalink

Oh well, ive decided not to get this anyway, not if there isnt anything new.

viniciusdcs's photo
viniciusdcs 31st May, 2006 @ 21:44 - Permalink

I don't get it what R* is doing.. First the game was scheduled to be released in May I think and then they delay it to the beginning of June and now late June for Europe, my point why are they delaying it if there's no new features on this game, and they even took out multiplayer.

Slayer's photo
Slayer 1st June, 2006 @ 12:27 - Permalink
I don't get it what R* is doing.. First the game was scheduled to be released in May I think and then they delay it to the beginning of June and now late June for Europe, my point why are they delaying it if there's no new features on this game, and they even took out multiplayer.

R* is probaly polishing the game (textures and models) if there are no new features. They've gotta be doing something, otherwise they would release it earlier and make more $$$money$$$.

PHRobertson's photo
PHRobertson 1st June, 2006 @ 19:15 - Permalink

^ Yes, but if that's what they're doing, then does that mean the US release date has been changed too? Otherwise, the Americans will be getting a less-polished game, which doesn't really make any sense.

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