VCS to Feature "Empire Building"

By Chris | 11th Sep 2006 at 17:36 GMT in Vice City Stories | 7 Comments

German fansite GTAReactor are reporting that Play the Playstation, a German magazine, have published a preview about the demonstration they saw at the Leipzig Games Convention.

The magazine explains a new "Empire Building" mode which will be in Vice City Stories. This sub plot will give Victor the role of forcibly conquering the criminal organisations and other gangs that own the buildings and businesses throughout Vice City (approximately 30 of them). After you have acquired these businesses, you can then invest your own cash in them and run them profitably, or at least try to.

Think of it as a vastly improved safehouse buying feature we first saw in the original Vice City.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 11th September, 2006 @ 18:07 - Permalink

That. Sounds. So. Cool.

That really does sound brilliant, can't wait to find out more on this.

Great job in finding this Chris.

Mike356's photo
Mike356 11th September, 2006 @ 19:49 - Permalink

great find

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 11th September, 2006 @ 19:59 - Permalink

Haha, I thought it was a reference to New York's empire building. I think this is gonna probably be like gang terrotory.

Dmac's photo
Dmac 11th September, 2006 @ 21:24 - Permalink

In my Topic i made if this, I posted Magazine Scans. :D

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 11th September, 2006 @ 21:28 - Permalink

My Idea is similar to this new feature

Yeah designing missions after the main storyline would be pretty cool. Make it really elaborated or how ever you spell that. You would get tons of choices such as:

-What type of mission?

--Assassination, you could actually kill off people from the storyline

---choose a character from the storyline

----choose when to do it

-----choose who helps you

------choose what you're gonna use to get the job done

--car theft, you cant leave this one out..."Grand Theft Auto"

---choose a vehicle

----choose from a list of areas its at

--Protection buyers, you go and make them pay protection

---choose a property

----choose how you'll do it

-----choose whos involved

--Gang war, sorta like SA but more organized

---choose gang

----choose part of gangs territory

----- choose alliences involved

------choose weapons ect.

--Property destruction, blow up anything to get what you want or just for payback, "Payback's a Bitch"

---choose someones property to blow up or just a random list of other properties

----choose alliences involved

-----choose how to do it

It would be even more elaborate than this...I think it'd be kick ass and it would give you something to do after the storyline.

JOYA's photo
JOYA 12th September, 2006 @ 06:33 - Permalink

Some magazine said you could build your own casinos in San Andreas. I think this is the same sort of thing.

Investing money, instead of stealing it isn't like GTA at all.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 12th September, 2006 @ 18:07 - Permalink

I suppose you have a point, but I don't care. lol

And good prediction there Original GTA Master.

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