WOW A New Trailer and San Fierro

By Chris | 25th Sep 2004 at 19:19 GMT in San Andreas | 19 Comments

Hehe, I told you something might happen tonight, and it did. All of a sudden there's an email from Rockstar announcing a load of stuff.

The San Fierro part is now available to see, and there is a brand new trailer which is absolutely awesome and shows off the incredible gameplay.

The official San Andreas website has now been updated.

The city of San Fierro is now unlocked.

Plus the debut of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Trailer.

Check Out The Official Website Here

I will try and get all the new information and screens added ASAP, Rockstar Games website is getting so much traffic it keeps timing out so I can't get it all right away.

also in the email they told us of the official GTA Advance site launch..

The long awaited arrival of Grand Theft Auto

on the GameBoy® Advance.

The Official GRAND THEFT AUTO ADVANCE Website is now live.

Featuring screens, news, and more...

Official GTA Advance Website

sananfan's photo
sananfan 25th September, 2004 @ 20:54 - Permalink

does anybody know how to actually like pull up san fierro on the website cuz i can't figure the dang thing out

Chris's photo
Chris 26th September, 2004 @ 00:01 - Permalink

well you just hover over the left side of the broken up picture and click on san fierro and wait for it to load

SpiderJay's photo
SpiderJay 26th September, 2004 @ 01:36 - Permalink

About time something happened. I was beginning to worry Rockstar HQ was taken over by ravaging zombie-gerbils with an agenda.

(Meaning that something bad and/or wrong had happened, of course)

But now, it seems I might get my news fix after all. New trailer. Mmmm! Was that ferris-wheel moving? Zero's RC store? Too much information.

*Shorts out and drools on the floor in a state of bliss*

Will revive later.


Marine008's photo
Marine008 26th September, 2004 @ 03:57 - Permalink

I hope someone can help me on this problem. When I go to the Offical San Andreas website, when the site is loading, the numbers freeze and dont move. It stayed the same for 20 minutes. Please help.

By the way i'm new

SpiderJay's photo
SpiderJay 26th September, 2004 @ 07:52 - Permalink

Try using a different browser. Opera works for me.


Chris's photo
Chris 26th September, 2004 @ 09:23 - Permalink

could be because you have a slow connection and it has timed out, or because the site is getting so much traffic it times out

BTW does anyone wanna help me make a list of all the innuendos Rockstar have put in, i spotted another whilst browsing the site

Wang Cars - Wankers :P

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 26th September, 2004 @ 09:57 - Permalink

I knew something about San Fierro would come out. I'll check it out tomorrow. Btw this is the 1st time im using my cell phone to access

Marine008's photo
Marine008 26th September, 2004 @ 22:50 - Permalink

Ok. Its all working well now. I guess it was the traffic thing. (but i do have slow internet) Thanks for those with suggestions. I'll say somthing once in a while. I enjoy these chats.



My nickname :D

SpiderJay's photo
SpiderJay 27th September, 2004 @ 00:19 - Permalink

Hey Chris I'd love to pitch in with the list of innuendos. You make a separate post for it, I'll throw in my two cents.


illitrate23's photo
illitrate23 27th September, 2004 @ 07:58 - Permalink

some info on the soundtrack - the background music for the san fierro map is Voodoo Ray by A Guy Called Gereald

this is good news - cos that was one of THE tunes from the early 90s rave scene - and if they're using it on the website, i guess it'll be in the game, and if that track is in the game, then i'm really looking forward to hear what other absolute classics they have on there

anyone know what the music is on Los Santos?

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 27th September, 2004 @ 10:13 - Permalink

The trailer is nice :D Oh by the way can you ride on the rides in a theme park ? Maybe it's said but i forgot

Chris's photo
Chris 27th September, 2004 @ 19:19 - Permalink
Hey Chris I'd love to pitch in with the list of innuendos. You make a separate post for it, I'll throw in my two cents.


Alright, I'll ressurect my famous Vice City Sexual Innuendos topic too

illitrate23: No I have no idea what that music is

smartboy4: Rockstar havent confirmed it yet, but I dont think we will be able to

Marine008's photo
Marine008 27th September, 2004 @ 22:45 - Permalink

I like the San Andreas website. Im downloading the new trailer right now :lolbounce:

Is that car on the GTA place home page going to be in the game too?

Chris's photo
Chris 28th September, 2004 @ 11:42 - Permalink
Is that car on the GTA place home page going to be in the game too?

yeah it must be because we got it from one of the screenshots

Righty's photo
Righty 29th September, 2004 @ 01:32 - Permalink

I like that they got mroe of the map updated

Marine008's photo
Marine008 29th September, 2004 @ 01:38 - Permalink

I like that truck. How many of you have a PS2? I don't have one. I'm going to have to wait for the PC version comes out next year. I'll just play it from a friends PS2 :D

The trailer was kinda cool. Does anybody know how many types of clothes there will be in the game?

games-master's photo
games-master 29th September, 2004 @ 13:46 - Permalink

at least 30 or more i would imagine

the gta san andreas trailer was cool did you see in the trail that car nearly hit that bmx bike

Precision's photo
Precision 30th September, 2004 @ 15:17 - Permalink

The movies in San Fiero are really nice. Have seen the 'Pointy Building' and the Valet Parking movie?

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