VCS PS2 To Feature Exclusive Content

By Chris | 11th Feb 2007 at 19:18 GMT in Vice City Stories | 27 Comments

*UPDATE*: We have now found out that the new content will be: new side missions, stunt jumps, races and jobs - this according to popular Swiss retailer Ex Libris (in German and French). (Thanks Adriaan)

An interesting discovery recently made by Italian fansite GTA-Series suggests that the PlayStation 2 version of Vice City Stories may feature some exclusive content, not seen in the PSP version.

Not all of Take2's localised websites have been updated with this information yet, but the Italian mirror has (here). The first point of interest is that it states the PS2 port features various graphical enhancements - these will probably be in the way of increased draw distance and such. The more interesting point is the mention of exclusive content.

In Italian "Numerosi i contenuti inediti, esclusivi di questa versione per PlayStation 2." - which roughly translates to new content, exclusive to this version for PlayStation 2.

Links: VCS Page,

Tyla's photo
Tyla 11th February, 2007 @ 19:23 - Permalink

Wow that will be intresting then, cheers Chris.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 11th February, 2007 @ 19:36 - Permalink

This makes me want to buy the VCS PS2 version. Nice work on finding this.

Chris's photo
Chris 11th February, 2007 @ 19:45 - Permalink

Bear in mind it may only be something fairly minor. We don't know anything it... just because it says "exclusive" doesn't mean there's some big new features ;)

Tyla's photo
Tyla 11th February, 2007 @ 19:47 - Permalink

Im hoping they fixed the glitches that were on the psp version, but im hoping they added the ability to enter the Malibu club and the Pole Position once again.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 11th February, 2007 @ 19:54 - Permalink

I still need to buy the PS2 version of Liberty City Stories. Now I'm gonna have to buy this as well. :thumbsup:

Tyla's photo
Tyla 11th February, 2007 @ 19:56 - Permalink

You can pick up both games for about £30. has VCS for £14.99.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 11th February, 2007 @ 19:58 - Permalink

I don't really buy stuff online unless it's the only way of getting it. That's how I got the GTA Kubricks. :D

I just need to get off of my lazy ass and get a steady job. I don't even have any money for college...I'm pretty screwed.

Chris's photo
Chris 12th February, 2007 @ 00:00 - Permalink

This news story has now been updated with further information.

Tyla's photo
Tyla 12th February, 2007 @ 00:14 - Permalink

Sounds good, thanks for the update Chris.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 12th February, 2007 @ 02:59 - Permalink

I guess VCS PS2 is a must have now.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 12th February, 2007 @ 03:03 - Permalink

I really need to get a PS2, oh well i'll take my friends and then get VCS :P

Jared's photo
Jared 12th February, 2007 @ 06:20 - Permalink

So I'd say after what happened with LCS not talking on very well on PS2 due to it lack of missions and the like they have decided to add to VCS to make it just as popular as it was on PSP. Nice idea Rockstar, top job fellas :).

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 12th February, 2007 @ 08:00 - Permalink

Gives me even more incentive to buy it, thanks for the news Chris. I just hope, as the others have mentioned, that they fix any flaws or glitches in the game, but also to release it at the same price as when LCS came out (£14.99) because I don't wanna pay over £20 for a psp port.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 12th February, 2007 @ 08:44 - Permalink

yeah like i said in another topic i really need to go but the "stories" for ps2

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 12th February, 2007 @ 16:48 - Permalink
Im hoping they fixed the glitches that were on the psp version, but im hoping they added the ability to enter the Malibu club and the Pole Position once again.

Fixing glitches isn't "exclusive content"....

This is decently good news. I doubt I'd buy it, though.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 12th February, 2007 @ 17:37 - Permalink

Meh, It's good that It's coming out on PS2, But I hope It's better than VCS on PSP.

Jared's photo
Jared 12th February, 2007 @ 21:20 - Permalink
Meh, It's good that It's coming out on PS2, But I hope It's better than VCS on PSP.

Well, myself, thats what I got from this news. They want to make it better, using this content.

gta-connor's photo
gta-connor 13th February, 2007 @ 00:55 - Permalink

Sounds like fun, this is off topic but is there any rumor, news or just mere thought that VCS might go on xbox?

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 13th February, 2007 @ 01:44 - Permalink
Sounds like fun, this is off topic but is there any rumor, news or just mere thought that VCS might go on xbox?

Well, LCS didn't so I think both of them are restricted to Sony consoles.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 13th February, 2007 @ 04:12 - Permalink

Yeah that's right, Sony all the way. Screw XBox. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna buy this...I just need some money damnit.

JOYA's photo
JOYA 13th February, 2007 @ 05:44 - Permalink

This new exclusive content sounds awesome. When is it being released? I probably won't be able to play it until January.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 13th February, 2007 @ 05:53 - Permalink

nobody said any thing about MULTYPLAYER!!! man can you imagine it with MULTIIPLAYER, it wound own soo badly on the PS2 man i cannot WAIT untill it comes OUT

lol samll letters, BIG letters

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 13th February, 2007 @ 21:02 - Permalink
nobody said any thing about MULTYPLAYER!!! man can you imagine it with MULTIIPLAYER, it wound own soo badly on the PS2 man i cannot WAIT untill it comes OUT

lol samll letters, BIG letters

LCS PS2 never had multiplayer and I think it'll be the same thing with VCS.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 14th February, 2007 @ 02:33 - Permalink

*Does weird dance*

Awesome! I thought i'd be adding a few new trees to the scenery or something equally rubbish.

So glad I decided to wait for it.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 14th February, 2007 @ 04:54 - Permalink
nobody said any thing about MULTYPLAYER!!! man can you imagine it with MULTIIPLAYER, it wound own soo badly on the PS2 man i cannot WAIT untill it comes OUT

lol samll letters, BIG letters

LCS PS2 never had multiplayer and I think it'll be the same thing with VCS.

Yeah, and Rockstar wants to improve on these things.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 14th February, 2007 @ 19:58 - Permalink

I wonder why people are so worked up about multiplayer.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 15th February, 2007 @ 11:58 - Permalink

Multiplayer is rubbish.

Well, maybe not, but I won't use it as i'm a loser with no friends.

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