GTA IV Episodic Content Slated for 2008

By Chris | 1st Mar 2007 at 12:55 GMT in GTA IV | 15 Comments

Last night Take Two reported their Fiscal 2006 Financial Results. If you're familiar with these press releases you'll know that Take Two like to talk about the games which they sold during the year, as well as upcoming products which are in the making. A small mention of GTA4 revealed that the game would receive episodic content some time during 2008, rather than being available from the initial release.

Starting in 2008, Rockstar will introduce exclusive episodic content downloads for Grand Theft Auto IV.

That was all that was said about the matter. There's still no confirmation on whether the PS3 version is going to get any content, or exactly what the content is. Stay tuned as we'll have more updates on this as they are released.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 1st March, 2007 @ 12:59 - Permalink

That's quite far away.. But on the other hand just 2 months after the release if it's starting begin 2008.

Just to take away confusion. That content is like sub mission's right? Like the missions of Heist in San Andreas, or that stuff of Zero.

Chris's photo
Chris 1st March, 2007 @ 13:04 - Permalink

Well no that's what the confusion is about... we don't actually know what it's going to be. It could be new vehicles, player skins. It could be new missions. It could be a small island... we can only speculate for now.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 1st March, 2007 @ 13:09 - Permalink

well i hope it is'nt something too big cuse that might ruin the game

Pandora's photo
Pandora 1st March, 2007 @ 13:14 - Permalink

Usually, bigger in a game is better.

I'd love to see add-on mission's. But a little island would be cool to.

I hope it won't ONLY be player skins or vehicles. Cause in that case most of us, including me, will be having far to high hopes for it.

But it's a extra, just to keep you busy with the game after you've beaten it.

Every news feed makes the game sound even better.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 1st March, 2007 @ 13:17 - Permalink
well i hope it is'nt something too big cuse that might ruin the game

Yeah, that would be a big lost for all of us.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 1st March, 2007 @ 13:20 - Permalink

Just tell me, what would be bad in having a BIG add-on or what ever it is.

It will mean you can do MORE, what's a good thing.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 1st March, 2007 @ 13:26 - Permalink

Yeah that's true Jace

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 1st March, 2007 @ 13:32 - Permalink

Maybe I didn't understand. I thought they in R* got some problems whit the budget.

Chris's photo
Chris 1st March, 2007 @ 14:38 - Permalink

No not really. They've had financial difficulties in the last year yes, for a number of factors all of which are detailed in the report. You need to have a good understanding of finance through either Business or Economics to get your head round it all. But it doesn't really have much affect on the main games they're pushing out this year, GTA4 being one of them. Take Two haven't gone bankrupt or anything, it's not as if they haven't got any money, because they have. They just had some losses last year as opposed to profit. As it states in the report they had to make a number of cost saving changes, including the closure of several studios, remember the Rockstar Vienna closure we posted about last year?

I'm sure GTA4 will change all that, and to move swiftly back on topic, I think the episodic content, albeit content which the fans legitimately want, will actually act as another reason to get the game, thus boosting sales.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 1st March, 2007 @ 19:01 - Permalink

Good news that there will be some sort of content to download (at a price?)... But I would like to see a PS3 confirmation about this.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 1st March, 2007 @ 19:08 - Permalink

Maybe R* spend whole budged on PS 3 and X box 360 versions so there is nothing left for PC version :P

Pandora's photo
Pandora 1st March, 2007 @ 20:06 - Permalink

Then they've already developed the game. Can't cost that much to convert it to PC I think.

A reasonalbe price for "the" content (if it are mission's that is, with maybe a add-on vehicle) would be something like 5-10$. Not to expensive, just a little small add-on for some extra gaming hours.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 9th March, 2007 @ 14:03 - Permalink

Nuh, if its on the PS3 sever it wont cost a thing, yet i think they'll start with small add-ons, then like a year afterwards they'll make something massive like a whole new storyline or something, eh you never know

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 25th March, 2007 @ 11:12 - Permalink
Last night Take Two reported their Fiscal 2006 Financial Results. If you're familiar with these press releases you'll know that Take Two like to talk about the games which they sold during the year, as well as upcoming products which are in the making. A small mention of GTA4 revealed that the game would receive episodic content some time during 2008, rather than being available from the initial release.
Starting in 2008, Rockstar will introduce exclusive episodic content downloads for Grand Theft Auto IV.

That was all that was said about the matter. There's still no confirmation on whether the PS3 version is going to get any content, or exactly what the content is. Stay tuned as we'll have more updates on this as they are released.

hey chris,

i new here. ijust wonderin wat the episodic content????

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 26th March, 2007 @ 14:02 - Permalink

Hello and welcome to the boards!

Episodic Content is downloadable add-ons to GTA IV such as new side missions possibly and maybe some new cars. Try googling it and find out there.

Oh and btw I'm not Chris. :P

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