Viewing news posted in March 2005

New Stunt Vid - Animosity

By Chris | 31st Mar 2005 at 23:44 GMT in Vice City | 31 Comments

We have a new Vice City stunt video hosted here at The GTA Place, this is the debut video from new stunting clan Terror Squad. Consisting of ZeroX, Matt and Urban Legend.

ZeroX writes:

Debut stunt video of the new Vice City stunting clan Terror Squad, in this you will see the latest stunts from ZeroX, Matt and Urban Legend. Editing by ZeroX. A must download for any stunter.

It's an excellent video in my opinion, lots of quality grinds and innovative stunts are performed, with some of the GTA LC mod being used too. Overall one of the best videos I've seen so far. It's in .wmv format but brilliant 640x480 high resolution so go and download it now! It's just over 56MB. Oh and you'll need WinRAR to extract it.


Download Animosity - by Terror Squad

Clinton & GTA

By Cough7007 | 30th Mar 2005 at 16:18 GMT in General | 20 Comments

Yesterday (March 29), former U.S. First Lady and now Senator Hilary Clinton had something to say about the Grand Theft Auto series and games alike it.

She remarked, "Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them." She also added, "This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's okay to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour, or they're from a different place."

Hilary Clinton would also like a million-dollar investigation to be developed to look into the GTA series and the other violent games like it. This will impact the "cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development" of children, according to a Sunday Times article.

Read More:

Prostitutes Pay You Cheat

By Chris | 25th Mar 2005 at 17:55 GMT in San Andreas | 4 Comments

edisoncarter found another cheat, this one makes prostitutes pay YOU. Although if you've already done the pimping missions this happens already. This was the 2nd supposedly unknown cheat, but Bone on GTAForums found out it's use. We still have the 1st unknown cheat we posted earlier, that is still a mystery as to what it does.

Prostitutes Pay You:

If you've already done the pimping missions, this already happens.


Unknown Cheat

This cheat does absolutely nothing


For all the cheats on one page click here.

UPDATE: edisoncarter says the unknown cheat does nothing at all.

Sony PSP Released Across America

By Chris | 24th Mar 2005 at 15:06 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 13 Comments

Across America today Sony launched probably the greatest handheld console to date. The PSP is setting new standards for handheld consoles of the future, with a wealth of capabilities not just limited to playing games.

The PSP also has a pretty strong selection of games coming it's way, titles include the legendary Gran Turismo 4, and of course, a new Grand Theft Auto game.

Currently little is known about this new GTA title, and we have little content in our PSP section on the site. We'll bring you any news on it as soon as we get it.

Unfortunately in Europe gamers are still dissatisfied with the constant pushing back of the release date. A June release has been suggested in some articles, but we can never be certain.

For those of you living in America and have 0 to spare, I'd advise you to get off your ass and buy a PSP if you haven't already. If you are unable to get off your ass, get one from Amazon, and while your at it, why not preorder GTA PSP.

Good idea eh? Here are some useful links:

psp.jpg gtalcs.jpg

Buy at

Buy at - .99

New Cheats

By Chris | 24th Mar 2005 at 14:53 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

edisoncarter has found a decent cheat, probably more useful for newbies I guess, since it gives you infinite health. There's also a cheat which we don't know the affect of, so please inform us if you find out.

Infinite Health:

Makes you mostly bulletproof, and fire, punches and melee attacks don't hurt you anymore. You can still be hurt by explosions, falling, getting run over, and drowning.


Unknown Cheat

It is not currently known what this cheat actually does, please inform us if you find out


For all the cheats on one page click here.

Gamestar Get World Exclusive SA PC Preview

By Chris | 22nd Mar 2005 at 17:47 GMT in San Andreas | 4 Comments

I reported earlier on how PCGamer were expecting to have the exclusive, but it seems German magazine Gamestar have already got it, after travelling to Rockstar's NYC offices to preview the game.

The magazine which goes on sale on Wednesday 23rd March (tomorrow) all over Germany, has a massive 8 pages on the game, which includes 12 never before seen screenshots. So if your in the country be sure to pick up a copy.

Below is a summary of the main points taken from the article:

  • The draw distance is considerably higher in the PC version.
  • Real reflections on buildings can be seen in a screenshot. Real reflections will also be visible on cars and shiny floors.
  • The German version will be censored of blood, you also won't be able to mug people for money.
  • You can forget washed out textures from the PlayStation 2 version. The PC version will not be a 1:1 copy of the PS2 version, but a whole new graphical experience.
  • It is not yet confirmed how the 2-player mode will work on the PC.
  • The PC version will allow you to import your own MP3 for listening on the radio. You can even specify an MP3 folder on your hard disk, which the radio will play songs from between advertisements and DJ commentary.
  • As of writing the preview, the game is 90% complete and ready to be released in June.

Links: Gamestar Magazine Preview,

For a few of the screenshots in the mag, check out GTAReactor

PC Gamer Review - Soon

By Chris | 21st Mar 2005 at 20:35 GMT in San Andreas | 1 Comment

Jordan over at PlanetGTA has spoken to an editor of PCGamer magazine who has confirmed they will be having the first review of San Andreas on PC, as they did with Vice City. However, it will not be in the May issue, rather the June issue. PCGamer will apparently be receiving a beta copy of the game to review shortly. The mag will be available to subscribers near the end of April or beginning of May, so a few weeks to wait yet.

Polls Return

By Chris | 17th Mar 2005 at 22:32 GMT in General | 2 Comments

Back by popular demand, we now have a poll back (on the right navigation) for you to cast your vote in. We had to remove the previous polling system we had due to conflicts with our PHP coding. Over the past couple of days I decided to code my own since this was the best option available to me. It has been tested for bugs, and we fixed all that we could find. So hopefully it's bug free and you won't be able to vote more than once from the same IP address.

The Polls page will contain results of all the polls we will be running.

Cheats & No Awards for San Andreas

By Chris | 15th Mar 2005 at 17:22 GMT in San Andreas | 9 Comments

First of all we have a couple more cheats from edisoncarter:

Always Midnight:

Clock stopped at 00:00. Weird sudden weather changes. If you kill yourself, it stays at 12:00.


Recruit Anyone (Rocket Launcher):

Recruits get a rocket launcher if they don't already have a weapon.


In other news, you may remember we reported last month on the Game Developers Choice Awards, in which San Andreas was nominated for an award in 4 categories. Unfortunately and suprisingly San Andreas walked away with nothing for a change, the big winner was Half Life 2 which grabbed 4 awards.


New Stunt Videos

By Chris | 12th Mar 2005 at 13:34 GMT in Vice City | 13 Comments

No, it's not mine, that's coming at a later date. Johnline and his friend Sean have each created a great Vice City stunt video. Using various mods it makes for some nice new stunts around the city, as well as some well known ones. The video is DivX encoded so if you find you can't play the video you'll need to download DivX from Here.

Johnline's video is around 5 minutes long and is just over 36MB in file size, Sean's is around 3 minutes long and is just over 23MB in file size. Dialup users will need a few hours to download it.


Download Johnline's Organised Chaos - 36.14MB

Download Sean's Organised Chaos - 23.41MB

Post your comments on both vids. Enjoy.

More GTA3 Downloads

By Chris | 12th Mar 2005 at 12:07 GMT in GTA III | 0 Comments

I've added a few cars for GTA3 to our downloads database, I found them whilst clearing out clutter on my PC. I know not many people play the game now but they are all pretty good models so I added them.


1968 Ford Mustang Fastback

1970 Dodge Challenger RT

1970 Dodge Charger

1994 Chevrolet Caprice

1997 NYPD Crown Victoria Police

Pontiac Trans Am

Never Get Hungry Cheat

By Chris | 12th Mar 2005 at 01:44 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

edisoncarter found another new cheat, this one makes CJ never feel hungry.

Never Feel Hungry:


View all the cheats for San Andreas here

New Cheat - Kinky

By Chris | 8th Mar 2005 at 22:39 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

Another cheat from edisoncarter. Although be warned, apparently some PS2's freeze after activation. We recommend you do NOT save with any cheats on anyway as it has been proven to corrupt game saves, so it's up to you whether you want to take the risk of saving with cheats on.

Slut Magnet (Kinky Theme):

Changes most peds to prostitute's with sex toys and CJ wears the gimp suit.


View all the cheats for San Andreas here

Violent Video Games and Politics

By Chris | 5th Mar 2005 at 16:57 GMT in General | 3 Comments

Violent video games are continually being blamed for various crimes including murder, theft and all forms of vandalism. US politicians have now decided to do something to help prevent this ongoing problem.

This week in Arkansas, state senator Shawn Womack authored a bill that would require shops that rent or sell M-rated games to display them at a height of at least five feet from the floor. The bill, introduced March 3, would allow the Arkansas Department of Public Health to fine vendors up to 0 each time they violate the law.

The bill also states that video game companies could be held responsible if "their game was a factor in creating conditions that assisted or encouraged the person to cause injury or death to another person".

I disagree with this, to me it seems that this is pushing the blame on to the video game company, when in actual fact the courts should be punishing the perpetrator, whether or not a game influenced his/her actions is a different matter.

America's current gun laws should be tightened to make it harder for these people to obtain weapons. The statistics say it all. In the USA there are over 11,000 deaths caused by guns every year, while in other countries such as the UK, Germany, Australia and even Canada there are less than 200 a year in each.

Videogames do not give the right for people to commit such crimes, and I think this is something which needs to be discussed much further.

Source: Gamespot

Thanks to bryce for bringing this to my attention

San Andreas Advertisements Banned

By Cough7007 | 4th Mar 2005 at 21:42 GMT in San Andreas | 8 Comments

San Andreas advertisments have been banned in the UK after eight parents complained about the commercial.

The parents said that they were concerned about the commercial airing because not only was it aired at a time when children are still watching TV, but the parents reported that it was also the use of drugs, intense violence, and the spraying of graffiti that made the commercial too adult-like for children.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) started an investigation on the issue, and on Wednesday, the ASA announced that the advertisments will be banned from UK television because they were concerned about the commercial's "Threatening Atmosphere".

The ad is now only allowed to be aired after the 'watershed', which is 9 PM, this way the parents are the only ones to blame if they let their children see the advertisement.

Rockstar Games said that their purpose of the commercial was not towards the children, rather towards the adults. (Half of the audience is not required the play the game, anyway.)

For More Info: BBC News

Take2 Financial Results

By Chris | 3rd Mar 2005 at 21:27 GMT in General | 8 Comments

Take2Games have reported their financial results for Q1 2005 with excellent results largely due to GTA San Andreas. Headlines of the report stated that revenue exceeded 0 million.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Sales Exceed 12 Million Units Since Launch

Read that again. 12 million, that just shows how legendary this game really is, 12 million between 26th October 2004 - 28th February, thats 125 days if I have done my calculations correctly, and that averages at selling roughly 96,000 units every day.

Other notable points in the report were that the GTA PSP release date was NOT stated, however it was said that it will be released around the same time as San Andreas on PC and Xbox.

Finally there will be a conference call later today at 4:30pm EST, if any new information is released I'll be posting it later.

Link: Press Release

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