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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/10 in all areas

  1. I just quickly read all the posts in this topic unaware of it before, and jesus christ. You people in the restricted group are all pissy for being in it? Then why are you posting here in this topic? That's the last thing I would be doing. Are you so blatantly blind that instead of just accepting it and trying to be a better poster, you just rant about it here? If so, good luck not getting banned.
    2 points
  2. I don't think Raybob has a clue what's going on. L-Ric is right - nobody has a "right" to be on this forum. It is provided by Chris for free, and subject to you following the rules. If Chris (or his staff) don't want to let you use the forum or all of its features, then we can do that. You have completely ignored the rules and staff, so you have ignored the terms of your free use of this site. We've even tried to be nice by not banning you (which we could easily and legitimately do), giving you a second chance, and another chance. Yet you STILL complain that you don't have as many features as possible, and you want to Staff to go around cleaning up for you. So you want MORE from us for free whilst you continue to abuse the forum and ignore its staff? That's totally fair. You've run out of chances. You have a grand total of zero remaining. Have a week's suspension. Now either STFU or GTFO.
    2 points
  3. It's funny to watch people dig themselves in deeper and deeper. You're not entitled to shit. You don't deserve to have special privileges because you bitch and moan. Hell, you don't even deserve to be a member. But do us all a favor and keep on whining about your situation. It'll be over, trust me.
    1 point
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