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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/11 in all areas

  1. The damage from stress is higher than that of the damage from cannabis. In fact, by avoiding SMOKING your cannabis you eliminate any and all harmful side-effects.
    1 point
  2. So smoke kids, if you know what's good for ya. Hmm let's see... loss of brain cells or cancer... decisions decisions. Well I have plenty of brain cells so I guess I can spare some. I think I'll stick to my coke. EDIT: That's Coke, with capital C.
    -1 points
  3. http://www.ign.com/top/modern-games/100 Apart from the fact that most of these games I've never even heard of, I fail to understand how RDR is better than GTA IV, how Half-Life 2 Episode 2 is mentioned and Half-Life 2 isn't, or how games like Alan Wake or Heavy Rain appear here when they aren't even f*cking games! These games were clearly picked based on one criteria: IGN's fanboysm. Everybody knows they get an orgasm each time they hear ''Mass Effect''. Oh well, at least they forgot Halo.
    -1 points
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