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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/11 in all areas

  1. The thing that I notice most about GTA is that everyone has their own style of playing it. Some people just play through the storyline, whilst others piss about in the countryside, others roleplay as a cop or gangster, others drive around shooting prostitutes, others go around collecting items, others race and stunt with vehicles, others make mods or videos, and many more I can't even imagine. GTA San Andreas gave many more opportunities for that than any other GTA game, or even any other game. You could be everything from a mafia boss to a taxi driver to a military scientist in Area 69. You could spend your day chilling on grove street, driving down the open road, robbing casinos or flying over the vast countryside. GTA IV, in contrast, was much more 2-dimensional. Outside of the storyline, there wasn't much else to do except drive around a city. There weren't many buildings to go in, no countryside to explore, no planes to fly, no destinations really. It looks like GTA V will change that - I just hope they go all-the-way and give us the best ever sandbox to play in.
    2 points
  2. 1. Duh, being a game based in the same city made by the same people around the same time? Probably going to look similar, just sayin'. 2. Who cares if ANY of the cars resemble their "real life counterparts"? And there has to be ugly cars and crappy cars. I'm sorry, not everything is going to be fast and sexy just for you. 3. Again, who cares. We don't need car customization. But you know what? I didn't see any customized car in the original San Andreas trailer, either. 4. We don't need shooting in the trailer to know we can do it in the game. Just like they don't have to show someone stealing a car, we kind of already get that by this point. I mean, it's only the 13th iteration, not including Lost or Ballad.
    2 points
  3. Don't know where to put it, so I will just post it here. Maybe a leak, maybe a fake. Who knows.. The black around the map might indicate that some other regions haven't yet been unlocked, thus making SF and LV still an option. And then a big quote: Sounds quite nice.
    2 points
  4. Part was from Playstation Magazine I believe. The picture was from a Dutch gamingsite. They wouldn't post a fake themselves, but they warned that it may very well be a fake. Supposedly from a Sony employee or something.
    1 point
  5. Hey, I have an idea, let's talk about GTA V. Jace, if that info ends up being true, it's amazing.
    1 point
  6. @Tuna - Stay on topic. Feel free to discuss stuff, feel free to put across your opinion, but other people are entitled to disagree. As Spaz said - this IS a GTA forum, people here generally tend to like GTA games, so don't expect everyone to love your negativity. @Spaz - I always stopped mulitple levels of quote embedding, but Chris turned it back on. Silly admins. I will spike his breakfast for you.
    1 point
  7. All I know about Skyrim is I'm coming home with a crate of Mountain Dew on Thursday and phoning in sick on Friday. Then it's a beautiful sugar-fuelled megasession until Wednesday afternoon.
    1 point
  8. The following is a list of facts, make of them what you will: Just because someone is middle eastern doesn't make them a terrorist. Some white British males are Muslims. Some white British males are terrorists. Some Asian Males living in Britain are neither Muslims nor Terrorists Just because someone is a terrorist doesn't make them Afghani. Just because someone has come to this country fro the middle east it doesn't make them an illegal Immigrant. Just because they choose to work, doesn't mean they are aiming to maliciously steal away our employment prospects. If someone wants to work in the UK, own a house or car in the UK, or pretty much take a shit in the UK, they're paying taxes. My least favourite tax is income tax. It fails to tax the most to the people who earn the most, it penalises those who work for their money, and does not affect those who use the income tax of other to live off. If you don't like the state of the country you live in, get a job, work and leave. It's what a lot of foreign people do, and it seems to be working out for them. The wars some people aren't paying for (that pesky income tax again) is more than enough karma for me. Working immigrants do orders of magnitude more for our economy than non-working native British. The next time taxes go up will have more to do with non-working Brits than working immigrants. Jobs exist in the UK. Easy living isn't working night-shifts in a shitty fucking corner-shop or a taxing rank. Easy living is going down to a doll office a few times a month for a cheque that's supposed to enable you to SURVIVE and search for a job, but instead spending it on luxury items that people in the middle east would travel halfway around the fucking world to provide for their families, in the face of racism and spite. There's more, but I'm off to play minecraft.
    1 point
  9. Just had a thought: 1) Euphoria engine 2) BMX 3) Chiliad 4) ?????? 5) Profit.
    1 point
  10. Bigfoot! Maybe he really IS lurking around in San Andreas...
    1 point
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