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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/13 in all areas

  1. A dedicated forum has been added for the discussion of GTA Online, since it is such a massive addition to GTA V. The forum can also be used for organising matches and inviting members to join your crews. Some of you will probably be looking for other members to add to your friends list on Xbox 360 and PS3, if someone wants to set up a topic for people to post their gamertags and such in then one of the mods can pin it so we don't get loads of similar threads. Discuss GTA Online
    1 point
  2. The controversy is already starting. On the radio, driving to work today I hear "Steal, kill, and rape for fun" and I automatically knew. God damn it.
    1 point
  3. Call me weird, but I am really stoked that trains are back. I am glad to see they are much longer than in SA, and I hope you can operate them again (hopefully with a better camera view). To me, there was nothing quite like slamming into a car full speed with the brown streak.
    1 point
  4. Now the Hydra I definitely can't wait to get my hands on again!
    1 point
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