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Everything posted by Cloud'

  1. I prefer brand new cities, mainly because i like exploring them and finding cool places and things.
  2. I think it did actually, but it didn't have a season system.
  3. It don't want to see it, id rather R* add something better or focus on improving another feature.
  4. Yeah, all i want is New York (Gigantic) called Liberty city but completely different to original Liberty.
  5. Is Autumn Cold or Hot? cause the Trailer looked kinda cold with the steam etc.
  6. Im certain that there will be seasons, did anyone notice the Steam comming from the houses etc.? Lol it would be great in the Winter if the Snow gets kinda deep. SNOW PLOWS!
  7. I don't like the Yakuza not my type, i preferred the Leones. And has GTA4.nets info been comfirmed by R*?
  8. Yeah that would be great, I would put the cheat for Winter in all the time.
  9. Well theres Birds on there, dunno if they killable though. they wernt on the Godfather.
  10. Id rather they stick to New York and make it the best and biggest they can. It would be good to go to Russia for Missions though but just like the San Andreas one.
  11. Heres the pics... http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3750/lcs628xghm5.png http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/8697/lcs636pktb3.png http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/3866/lcs648nqik1.png
  12. There is already a cemetary on LCS behind the big Church looking out to the Shoreside Vale airport. I took a pic of it actually i'll try to find it.
  13. On SA there was an advertisments outside of the Airport to go to VC.
  14. Yeah, they would never make a character a good guy. Come on the name of the Games Grand Theft Auto.
  15. Yeah the Dirt Track was great, I didn't like the way on Building Mode where if you took over so many gangs businesses they chased you around till you were dead. You couldn't even chill on it.
  16. I think it will be completly different, from what we have sen so far in the Trailer i could not see anything what looks remotley like GTA: 3 or LCS. On one clip there is two gigantic bridges comming from one city so it must be one hell of a size.
  17. He wont be good for long. It would be shit if he was good, lol getting a job in Walmart or something.
  18. Well he wouldn't be able to meet Salvatore because he gets killed and by the cars etc. on GTA: Iv it looks like it's set after GTA: 3.
  19. I didn't think any of those looked like kids. Maybe Dwarfs?
  20. Ooo two accounts! Ive just sent an application to the Liberty city Mafia and it worked okay for me. So it can't be the month thing.
  21. My parents don't really mind, ive been playing 18 games since i was like 9, im yet to go out and hack someone up...
  22. I wasnt delivered by a Bird! Yeah your right everyones going to find out someday. What harm can it do to find out young. It may leave some kids destressed and scared for life though. Did me no harm!
  23. Not really, may be just an advert, but there are better pics that suggest it is most likely in Liberty city.
  24. Probaly's the shortness and easyness of the missions. Also Empire building could have been a lot better.
  25. Thats the spirit! All I want is New York, I would have preffered a countryside etc. but where not getting that. New yorks big enough so there wont be need for any other locations.
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