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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Gta Forums does have a good Graphics section though, That was one of the first places where I started learning gfx. Also some of the stuff done there are good examples for experimenting!

    @Gba: :hurrhurr:

  2. They have 216,000 accounts on there, Don't think they'll be concerned about few Dupe account. Doesn't even make sense why you guys have multiple accounts on there, Makes sense here coz you can join multiple gangs and stuff!

    @Dark lord: :hurrhurr:

  3. You guys have some good stories, but as Llama and many other guys have suggested used some punctuations. Here's a bit of comparison

    James woke up, there was a big bang by the railroad. He checked outside and saw a Military tanker train had crashed into a truck carrying loads of cooked Burgershot food to deliver at a rich man's mansion. The leaking goo from which was odd to James

    James: Ehhhhh...I need get back to san andreas Eleetz X city is Not good, too many skyscrapers and business's.

    He ran outside, mounted a bike and drove to Eleetz X International airport which was full of airport traffic. James wonderered how many people would travel at 4 O'clock in the morning, He drove to the gate and asked the guard to get on showed him his pilot id and the gaurd opened the gate and then noticed a flood of green blob coming and the guard hopped on his bike and rided with him.

    James: What the Hell?

    Guard: Scuse me sir but i dont want be eatten by a blob. ......

    James woke up when there was a big bang by the railroad and checked outside and seen a Military tanker train leaking goo from a crash with a truck carrying loads of cooked Burgershot food to deliver at a richmans mansion the goo was odd to james

    James:Ehhhhh...I need get back to san andreas Eleetz X city is Not good too many skyscrapers and business's

    James ran outside and mounted a bike and drove to Eleetz X International airport which was full of airport traffic James wonderered how Many people would travel at 4 a clock in the morning And drove to the gate and asked the guard to get in and james showed his pilot id and the gaurd opened the gate and then noticed a flood of green blob coming and the guard hopped on his bike and rided with him.

    James:What the Hell?

    Guard:Scuse me sir but i dont want be eatten by a blob

    Which are you more comfortable reading?

    Also try and improve the flow of the story a bit!

  4. just for the laughs


    Lol I love the Pirate bay guys cockiness, Quote from their legal section, Its a reply to EA's notice to take down all the EA stuff from their site

    Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in


    Oh wait, just kidding. We haven't, since the site in question is fully

    legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have

    sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the

    streets and attacking people :-(.

    Please don't sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from

    too much moonshine, so please atleast wait until he's found and doesn't

    have a huge hangover...

    > As you are listed as the registrant for this website, EA demands that

    > you immediately and permanently disable access to the aforementioned

    > bittorrent seeds for The Sims 2 and any in the future


    You're free to demand anything you want. So are we. We demand that you

    cease and desist sending letters like this, since they're frivolous and

    meaningless. Where should I send the bill for the consumed diskspace and


    Thank you for your entertainment. As with all other threats, we will

    publish this one on *******


    These guys were taken down and their servers where confiscated But under the

    Swedish law torrents are legal and Since the could not be sentanced abd also thousands

    of people gatherd outside the police station, These guy are Epic!

    @Llama: Now I get it, Just watched that ep!

  5. Isn't it against the rules to just share files that help crack the .exe. The Player.img file is just the model, Anyways it is quiet a big file around 60mb something, If you can't find it anywhere and don't want to reinstall you can use the white Cj model which I think replaces the player model. I'm not very sure so if anyone else may have a better option

  6. If the members feel that a topic is good or bad they can just click on the rating option on the first post of the topic and select the number of stars they want to give the topic according to how they like it. Most of the members are not aware of this probably, Cause I rarely see anyone using it.

  7. Okay I read have read through the whole story, I'll give you bit of a review for it.

    I liked how the story started, had the spooky feeling. It was fine till the part where Taylor is introduced, After that It feels as if the story has been rushed, Description of the environment would do wonders. Also I don't really think the Triad two would be so concerned if he's just Triad 2! Also the hunter was unnecessary he's not going to attack a military base or something. Also Tenpenny returning and being in the middle desert was just out of the blue, A little description there too would help.

    I can't be arsed to type any more, gotta go get me some cake!

  8. If you can't mod it or play sa:mp then you definitely have version 2, I have version 1 so I'm not sure about the version 1 readme file in the v2 program files.

    If you want to play sa:mp or want to mod it use the v2 to v1 Downgrader, Its one of the pinned posts n the Gta SA modding section on this forum I think.

  9. Actually you get something like this, I think you used spin instead of zoom.


    What do you mean by Text does not appear?

    @Gta Player: Try going for a game/movie/music theme instead of just abstract gfx! I get a good idea in my head once in 2-3months and I just make it and replace my old siggy!

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