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Everything posted by V

  1. Banned for telling me where to masturbate. I shall masturbate where I feel like it, thank you!
  2. Banned for making no sense at all.
  3. V

    Server Upgrade

    Ooooh! I was having trouble logging on a while back, I thought there was something seriously wrong. But, cool!
  4. Banned for being a horny little boy! *waves index finger at TM in a very teacher like manner*
  5. Hmm, I see. Same thing happened to me recently, I saw a pic in 4chan and froze and freaked out. Did eventually get over it.
  6. Good for you, Rashon! I have yet to take such a leap.
  7. Your avatar is scaring the shit out of me.

  8. I think BF 2 is waaay better.
  9. I know what it means! I mean why do you keep leaving us... here... all alone.
  10. dubba post. durr. I wonder why everyone's so quiet. I guess it's a Friday night, so everyone's out having a social life.
  11. V

    Do you like, constantly chang your birtday?

  12. Y joo sai later all de time?!
  13. u need to stai awai from does peeple. dei raep Ur butt.
  14. Banned for being on top of me. (knock on wood)
  15. lol! It is normal for little girls to change it twice a day?
  16. Whoops, sorry, didn't read the whole thing through. Stop staring at it then.
  17. Lulz, you really don't like the Chinese, huh? Well, they're just trying to make a big profit. Small as possible expenses, big as possible income.
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