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Everything posted by V

  1. Someone once told me I should eat with my mouth closed... he's dead now.
  2. Have you ever played that game? If you have then you'd know how realistic it is and how easy it is to crash, big time. But you have to play with a proper wheel and pedals. And there is such a thing as crash avoidance skills. You use it to, how do you say... avoid crashes. They're using it in driving schools.
  3. Hey, thanks! Took me ages to get it running.
  4. You gain 5 dollars with every post. You could also make money by making signatures and stuff and then selling them to the members.
  5. Hey, Jared's from australia! And there's no getting around it, they're very good at cricket.
  6. Agge nee! Was daar nog 'n Suid-Afrikaner hier? Ek sou hom so graag wou ontmoet het! Oh no! Was there a another South African here? I would've wanted to meet him!
  7. V


    Anyone got other pics to debate over?
  8. Wat te hel! Julle praat alerhande kak hierso. Hei! Ek kan goed sĂȘ en julle kan dit nie verstaan nie.
  9. Ooo, very good, very good. I like the Amazon font!
  10. Nice! I've been looking to replace the old scorpio on my sig. Thanx!
  11. Yes yes, treat is correct. But threat is, uh, something different. Silberio means we treated him well.
  12. Oh yes, that brings back soo many memories. Me and my bro used to multiplay it (back when you could multiplay a game with split screen) I, the Mclaren F1. He, the Ferrari F50. Takes me back to the good ol' days...
  13. Avy: 7/10 Ok Sig: 8,5/10 Cool and colourful. Person: Er, cool I guess.
  14. No, it might be a death trap! Avy: 4/10 Uh, thats not you, is it? Sig: 7/10 Meh... Person: Ranting Swede.
  15. The Hives. OMG, I just decovered my dad looks a lot like david hasselhoff... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  16. Nah, that's not really what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of my mind starting to decay. I'm afraid of forgetting crucial things. I'm afraid of being hooked up to machines to keep me alive... That, scares the shit out of me.
  17. I think a realistic game, like Test Drive Unlimited, could improve your crash avoidence skills when driving. But you'd have to be playing with a force feedback wheel.
  18. Oooo, alright... I still don't get it. Anyway, I'm asuming its a compliment, so no problem, happy to help!
  19. Some salt and ketchup will do the trick.
  20. Uh, did we "threat" you? I don't get it...
  21. Hey there, arv_arvind! Good to see some new people. Enjoy the forums! (Just don't spam or double post, then you'll survive.)
  22. V

    Earth II?

    Well, we would have to pollute earth II as far as we have polluted this one, which actually takes time, so it would buy us time. And even then people would jump awake, realizing they should be more eco friendly.
  23. V


    You mean with the "orbs"? Yeah, I've heard about these things. They're around when there's elecro-magnetic activity (aka, ghosts) in the area. But they've been disregarded multiple times, because most of the time they just turn out to be dust particles or in this case I think, mist drops. That third photo is still creeping me out a little bit...
  24. Xbox, hands down Because its better, cheaper and better looking than the ps3 in my opinion. BTW, is it true that there isn't going to be a PC release?
  25. I had that chick magnet cheat on, then I ran into the sea. A few moments later an army of hookers ran in the sea after me, just to drown a few seconds later.
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