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Everything posted by V

  1. There have been alot of valid sightings, but then they turn out to be just meteors.
  2. Oh, the cheat. Well, in that case, shouldn't you wait 'till you get the game? And I doubt there will be a flying cars cheat, seeing there are no aeroplanes, so why bother.
  3. Nah, I've had my share of flying cars in SA. Yeah, time for some realism.
  4. V

    Earth II?

    Intruging, because I read the Sahara (North Africa) is going to spread until the whole continent is covered in desert. Interesting how scientists can have totally different opinions.
  5. More hand to hand combat moves.
  6. V

    Your Games Collection

    All the Harry Potters NFS: 2 SE Hot Persuit High Stakes Hot Persuit 2 Underground Underground 2 Most Wanted Carbon Sims Deluxe Sims 2: Nightlife University Pets The Matrix: Path of Neo ... ATM
  7. V


    Interesting yes, but I don't believe in them at all, purely because of the fact that I've never seen one or found any tangible evidence of ghosts. Same goes for aliens.
  8. V

    Earth II?

    We're going to drown in the floods of global warming long before the earth blows up. Still, we're not gonna reach it in time.
  9. Thats so cool, how can I get that on my computer! Oh, back on topic, supercalifregalisticexpialidotious.
  10. Ah man, we (South africa) just got our ass handed to us by that damn australia!
  11. Good point. In the movie War Of The Worlds the aliens die because they don't have an immune system. So they could've died of having a cold!
  12. Yeah, I know. I said imagine. So if its set in 2007, and based on New York, they're not going to put in the Twin Towers, huh?
  13. Yeah, I'd also like to know about ghosts. In one of the Harry Potter books they explain a theory, which is you turn into a ghost when you are afraid of dieing. But there has not been any hard evidence of ghosts ever, so tecnically we should dismiss ghosts as fake.
  14. V

    Earth II?

    Sounds alright, but we won't reach it in time... should we have to.
  15. Thats cool. Imagine if CJ from SA made a cameo! A 40 year old Carl Johnson... epic.
  16. Wow, Congrats! I still don't know how you get such a high post count so so little time without spamming.
  17. Hee hee, yeah it was. Anyway, on topic, you don't have to cook your own chips. You can get those that you put in the oven/microwave for a few minutes. They taste good, and they're healthy too, because there's less oil. PS, don't touch the boiling water, that was just a joke.
  18. Why didn't you like it? It was kind of interesting. I think it was deleted for some reason.
  19. Hey, what happened to the "do you believe in UFO's" topic in the serious chat place?
  20. ^^^ Boiling is when you heat up the water (or cooking oil) until it starts bubbling.
  21. V


    Happy Burfday 2003! Hope you get lots 'o presents and that you share them with no-one!
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