Hell no! I love him no matter what and I am not shallow enough to think that looks are everything. Him thinking I am attractive is a bonus and the fact that I don't have to parade around a GTA forum posting pictures of myself posing as if it's a forum full of adults (because, as you probably know, a lot of posters here are younger guys and it's pretty low to post pictures of yourself posing like a hooker) and I'm the forum attention whore shows that I have self respect, which most of the females here have. I am all about personality and have said it many times so I wouldn't care really why he loved me, as long as he did.
One day, when some of you get into serious, deep, long lasting relationships, you will realize, if you haven't already, that looks don't always come as high on the list if "musts" as you think. There is more to loving someone than just looks. It's the whole package.
I don't know why this suddenly turned into a discussion about my relationship but okay...anyways.....good luck everyone! GO BEAR!