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Everything posted by mike_subuzi

  1. Well Jason, i know you from gta warehouse i sometimes visit and you seem like a good member so i added you to the list because you are probaly good on both sites .
  2. Well what i will do is make a san andreas quide on wordpad then start a topic here and paste it on the site im sure that will help people .
  3. I would take revenge and smash your face in with a baseball bat . what if gta got banned ?
  4. Do you want to be immune to gang hatred ? if so here is how you can achieve this . Just complete the last of marty chonks missions and have a good look at martys clothing use the change clothing cheat to match his clothing now gangs like the mafia and cartel will be afraid of you and will run away like pedestrians .
  5. They is a glitch where i cannot get the havana outfit is they are cause for this glitch and a way to sort it out ?
  6. Well the binoculars is a useful weapon not a weapon that does damage its like the camera or nvg it is for special use .
  7. My favourite gta wanabee is Mafia i like the storyline, characters and graphics i find it very unique .
  8. I am no good at fake boxart or screenshots i dont even know where to start .
  9. I would track you down and do the same . what would you do if skyline was banned ?
  10. I found a guide but it only covered 15 of the 20 rampages a few were missing .
  11. t-bone isent a main character because he is only in a few missions but ryder is . what gang do you attack on the last of woozies missions what vehicle is awarded with all gold at pilot school
  12. It seems very hard it is just a series of numbers nothing special .
  13. That seems too complicated for me i will stick with the list i like listings better than complicated imagies and effects .
  14. You mentioned bumping topics . What is the maximum gap between 2 posts allowed ?
  15. some more cars , buyable signitures and avatars and thats all i can think of right now .
  16. I went to pm 3 people at another site and told them to say i reffered them as soon as they had joined so pyroxide knew i got the members and not somebody else .
  17. I am getting confused here are chris and pyroxide the same person ?
  18. Correct thats another $ 20 Somebody else take the quiz now, you guys are the gta experts .
  19. Where are the rampages ? i only have 17 and cant find any more so please tell me where i can find the other three . thanks
  20. I would like to know how to help the site . I think Spas helped the site by becoming a mod but what other ways can i help the site ? do you want me to advertise the site and pm people ? either way tell me what you would like me to do in order to lower my warn percentage .
  21. Nice piece of music chris i look forward to your finished version .
  22. Probaly because the topic is pointless so nobody posts anymore i agree spas everybody should stop posting in this topic from now on .
  23. Missions - much more missions - more assets - more r3 missions - more stadium events - harder missions - jobs from random pedestrians - payphone missions - no more rc missions - tons of offroad fury missions - more demolision missions - more contract missions Gangs - more gangs - more intellegant gangs - more gang weapons - some gta3 and vice city gangs - older gang cars - new gang cars - more white gangs - more hispanic gangs - tons more gang territries - no more gang glitches Characters - more characters - more comedy characters - horror type characters - more intellegant characters - older gta characters - mafia style characters - columbian cartel characters - pick up characters when you want to Weapons - way more weapons - more meelee weapons - more machine guns - more sniper rifles - more exsplosive weapons - more useful items - more gifts - more shotguns - more stealth weapons Misc features - blow up buildings - way more mods - tons more vehicles - smoke and drink - better traffic system - twice as much radio lifespan - tons more safehouses [ 70-90 ] - 60 rampages - tons more unique jumps - return the hidden packages - tons of gang tags - more oysters and horeshoes
  24. Something along the lines of what Oscar said i would like it to be set back in vice city in 2016 it is 30 years after the originial vice city. It is now three times the size as before . I would also like to see Canada ,San andreas and Toxyo .
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