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Everything posted by mike_subuzi

  1. well if you miss the boat and hit the water you automaticially get on the boat for more locations buy the boatyard for 40,000 and get a speeder and jetmax in the bay along the course is a dingy parked in the water so theres locations for 3 different boats
  2. well the job is probaly my third favourite on my list they are 2 different endings 1. hillary dies and tommy,cam and phill survive and 2. hillary and cam die and tommy and phill survive also kent paul somes and claims cams share who is dead i like ending 2 the best tommy goes wheres cam ? history and then wheres hillary ? he is also history
  3. why did they remove all of vice citys assets bring them back and add more as well : millitary base,power plant,police station,gunstore,laundrette,bomb store,coffe bar,clothing store,mansion,strip club
  4. that is not a glitch in the screenshot its the building you destroy on the demolision man mission but it doesent collapse . another building glitch is unsolid buildings when flying the tank because of heli height the game thinks they dont need to be solid i dont bother flying the tank anyway but i assure you that you posted in a pic is not a glitch vercetti guy
  5. my favourite mission is jury fury where you get to smash up some cars i was dissaointed only one mission had this my second favourite mission is bombs away where you kill the cubans and destroy the boats
  6. las vegas is the best city because it lights up at night and has some of the best missions to complete and other activities such as gambiling casinos,girlfriends,basketball and so on los angelese is next because it is the source of gang life and has great houses with many things to do and gangsta type missions 8it has a unigue culture that neither las vegas or san fransisco have san fransisco is last because it has a great airport,a few good missions and many hills the wang cars were most addictive in san fierrio and they was a bit of gang life as well and is home to a good number of easter eggs
  7. in cjs house you can play arcade games,change clothes and look at pictures of the past and outside they are some missions and a basketball court but they isent much to do at madd doggs considering its a big place they is only a go-kart nearby,a big exploration area , vending machines and arcade games and 3 missions
  8. in my opinion a digital camera would be best
  9. but 8-ball wasent even in the game was he so he cant have a bomb shop in san andreas i will check my map ledgend for it though and your cars only get eaten if you put too many in after a message says no more cars in this garage edit : where was the bomb shop ? in the countryside ?
  10. it would make it more intersting you could select white,orange,red,blue or green i dont think they was 8-balls in san andreas and if they was i dont know where it is what do you think about the oil slck shouldent that have been in san andreas ?
  11. mine has to be the jhonson family house it has a variety of weapons and it is home to your homies plus they is a picador and greenwood that spawn nearby
  12. they wont be any weapon info until probaly 20 months yet or so but i think instead of gun ideas thread it should be a weapons idea thread so i can talk about all weapons i want to see not just guns
  13. well if it wasent going to be called gta4 why is they a forum for it then ? yeah i agree these fake screens can be a part of our wishlist for gta4 give us an idea of what it will be like cant someone post a canada screenshot i would like to see what gta is like in canada
  14. they werent enough mods you should have had air bags,car bombs,select the colour of nitro boost,more lights and paint jobs and an oil slick i werent that suprised with car mods for long and i find it boring now
  15. radio los santos with today was a good day is good and the dj has a gangster name as well
  16. my favourite helicopter is the maverick and my favourite planes are the hydra and shamal
  17. well i dident come attatched to the the original gta people because i couldent see them so you dont always get attached to your character i dident like maccer because salvatore should have had better aim with the knife and killed him and kendl was dreadful because she was bragging about property on the garage and wang cars missions
  18. - bring back the krudger,rapid sniper and m-16 - m-35 rifle - ak42 and ak29 autorifles - more miniguns and drive bys weapons - more types of silencers
  19. we havent even got gta4 or gta5 yet never mind gta6 this is ridiculous i wish i was a mod then i could close this thread
  20. i wouldent make any threads of gta5 until 2006 at least we stll need gta4 first that comes out mid/late 2006 and gta5 will probaly come out 2010 i know gta4 has been in making since may 2003 alongside san andreas
  21. man i dont want fake screenshots i want real screenshots of gta4 and real info if i could close threads i would
  22. im starting my own list for radio station music for the next gta its not finished yet so expect editing soon rock funk country alternative rock new wave rap hip pop radio talk soul rock green day : holiday green day : warning green day : americian idiot good charlotte : i just wanna live vanhelean :lostprofits good charlotte : predictible guns and roses : 2 new songs good charlotte : predictable good charlotte : a future song radio talk station 40 different callers half an hour of news more commercials special voices : donald,ray,tommy etc rap eminem : just loose it eminem : toy soilders a new 2 pac song usher - caught up snoop dog music 50 cent music pop keane : the last time britney spears : in the zone mcfly : all your wishes im very short of ideas so i need more to add to the list
  23. i think tommy vercetti is dead in gta3 when salvatore says " we had to make up someones mind and it proved a little messy " i think it was tommy who was dead in the cheetah thats a clue that tommy wont be the main character in the next gta they are mentions of canada on the radio , cortez from vice city hates the french and 69 is a common reference so i also think we will see vice city,paris and toronto correct me if im wrong
  24. whats wrong with mike ? he was one of the best character voices in the game anyway i hated smoke.pulaski,zero and kendl
  25. to get it clear to lordsadler 2005 the next gta is called gta4 im tired of people saying gta6 why do you think they are website forums for it ? anyway i thought of 1979 across many towns such as london,vice city,chicargo,toronto and paris ir would have framiliar vice city cast maybe avery or phill cassidy even ricardo diaz and some san andreas cast who lives in chicaRGO/toronto such as truth or sweet
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