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Everything posted by mike_subuzi

  1. name the 2 cuban leaders name the restraunt where mitch baker is found at name the mission where you race other bikers
  2. The only thing i know is flowers and mystery item Is it a sawn off shotgun ? Name 5 weapons in the meele slot name the bike used in the t-bone mendez mission name the mission where you steal police bikes
  3. I would murder him . What if somebody stole your ps2 ?
  4. I found it in Google after somebody told me about the gta place .
  5. I would look in the mirror and die of shock . what if you were the only person at the gta place ?
  6. Firstly i would like to apologize to spas and the other staff for been a noob and posting spam . Second im going on neoseeker to pm a dozen people about this site Third i am making a guide for san andreas fourth i am getting a name change because it is respect for the members to forget about frank_tenpenny and know me as a different person all of these things combined will be helpful and will lower my warn level and help me to gain respect . any more ideas ?
  7. I got the games 4 years ago at christmas i dont play them anymore .
  8. Out of the 2 games i think that gta was better than gta : london it had 3 cities and london was one city .
  9. I dident like the ending and i also expected more than just one call after finishing the game they should have been more mods and some rampages like vice city they could have been some more vehicle missions such as hotdog and caravan i rate it 8 and a half out of ten .
  10. My favourite thing is all the new aircraft and helicopters that are new to gta .
  11. I dont want the grove i want something different as my own gang .
  12. Jason, dont you think they should be new locations in the next gta not just lc,vc and sa ?
  13. I predict it is one of 4 cheats . - spawn a newschopper - spawn an andromea - no glitches cheat - some character cheat
  14. Well mercenaries is a free froam game where you can hijack vehicles a bit like gta . All the games in the poll are free roaming games .
  15. I dont have his e mail adress . Do you know what it is ?
  16. what is millies car called ? name the csr dj name 5 helicopters what is big smokes real name ? name the missions where you destroy the sindicate crackhouse
  17. I am working on a guide for san andreas when it is finished i will make a topic in the san andreas help section and paste it over . I dont know what you mean by contributing it to chris .
  18. My least favourite is zero because he should have gone and killed berkley and his missions were poinless .
  19. I think theres about 4 of them in that mission name the beach in the first island
  20. Police dogs are a good idea to make police chases more fun as well as lc,vc and sa they should be canada,textas and toxyo as well if caravans can hook up to car maybe an r3 mission is possible the ps3 will supply better graphics that are more next generation most of those ideas are good but i think blood is realistic enough i think they should be more of it .
  21. Tommy vercettis lawer is called ken rosenberg . Name the mission where you bomb the Cubans using an rc plane .
  22. Im sure that mid seventies could work out well .
  23. The cars in vice city are slower than those in gta3 and san andreas we already had 80,s the 90,s then present time so next time should be the future .
  24. I dont know what console i have the ps2 version it might work on pc but i am not sure .
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