Spaz you are really defending the wii and I understande but wouldn't you want the map for GTAIV to be 5 times bigger than SA. the Wii would barely merely hold SA. It wont come out on the wii becasue it is a kiddies game console. That is there marketing strategy and target audience
You are a retarded little fanboy, you know that? And for the last time, they never stated they wanted GTA IV, they simply said they wanted GTA. That means the Wii could get it's OWN GTA GAME. And you think you know what you're talking about when you know nothing at all. You don't know if the Wii could hold SA. For all you know it could hold SA 3 times over. Stop trying to spit facts you know nothing about.
And another thing, the Wii is not a "kiddies game console". WOW do you ever sound like a typical Sony fan-boy riding their "adult" dick as always. I don't think Red Steel is much of a "kiddies" game. Nor is CoD 3, now is it? Farcry, also, is not a "kiddies" game. What about GT Pro Series? That's a racing game, not a "kiddies" game. Let's not forget Resident Evil, Trauma Center, Madden, Medal of Honor, Darkness, Splinter Cell, and Disaster....... I haven't even named them all. Go ahead, search for yourself, these are all WII GAMES.
Now STFU, n00b!