Post this just to piss him off?
Anyways, I think I have a mid-decent PC, so I'll post it.
I don't think I can even post my mobo, it came with the PC, and I know it's an nVidia chipset((funnily enough, I accidentally typed "cheapset" at first)).
AMD Athlon 64 3500+((which is barely a step up from my 2800+, if it even is))
1.5GBs of some cheap RAM((yanked a half GB out to give to Chestnut))
I have an integrated nVidia GeForce 6100, and I don't even know the memory because every program tells me something different((and if anyone could tell me how to set/change it, I'd appreciate that)).
And since I didn't build this PC myself, that's really all I can tell you. Thus is the problem with buying prebuilt PCs.