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Everything posted by ZEI

  1. this could be true. he has an African pendent though. but that is just probably just a fluke.
  2. I saw that their was a "Johnson's" add in the second trailer. this could be a reference to Carl Johnson from SA, which could also mean radio adds. I've seen it happen in previous Gta's.
  3. ZEI

    dude are you active?

  4. K its all been resolved

  5. PC is the great. any game could be played on it. I got to admit I invested the most on my PC to be capable to play games. good point, sky
  6. ugh fanboyism to the extreme(notice no quotes so i'm not flaming anyone in general)! Look I don't get really why complain about which console is better. Its all bout taste of the gamer. Here are the facts. Wii=always fun for the family with its interactive games and colorful game play. Innovative game play unseen out of arcades. Xbox360=the online gaming and first person shooter are the best in market with its controller making every move fluid the only drawback is having to pay for online game play. PS3=a well rounded system with high capabilities close to those of the xbox360. Low on major market games but anticipated to be good competition for Microsoft. Those are the plain facts. next time a capabilities list should be in order before a fanboy free-for-all
  7. *Communists *Liberals *Right winged assholes *Teen superstars that don't realize that almost anyone(excluding the retards and fanboys) on TGTAP forums could run circles around them in any brain teaser. Basically people who have their nose up their own ass.
  8. I'm not one to kiss ass

    but you speak the truth about alot of things in the forums.

  9. A wise man said that sex becomes more enjoyable when its between two people that are in love, that the only reason people feel sex is dull because they have sex casually all the time.(issac hayes) At the early teen age over 98.7 percent of boys masturbate regularly, & 1.2 percent are likely to lie about it. In the years before a man reaches their sexual peak they tend to want to "do it"(though guys always would like to do it) with someone they feel more comfortable with. Eddie Murphy said that the more you sexually starve yourself the better the sex is. The key is to find Ms Right and when passion comes home that your feelings are natural and loving towards each other. So next time you see your friend tell him that he fucked up his first time haha. ps the guy above me is totally right. spot on ol' chap.
  10. I enjoy your work

  11. mmmn were to start. my parents are divorced, so that fucked me up early in life i got over it though, i lived in new york for a while even though i was born in california. i moved away after i got shot in the leg(my left). out of thirty rounds out of a barrel of a fully auto sub machine band(talk about a realy retarded shot at 50 ft). yea now i live in los angeles with my dad(thank god). I'm heavely into graffiti. I almost got arrested once(Goddam GHETTO BIRD) that behind me, i knoe two languages. i'm taking honors in sophomore year. mmmm i skate everyday. one time i got grazed by a car speeding down a street haha that was funny because the person swerved into a construction site. right now i'm having fun being a teen. my older brother is a dick. he work as a Janitor for rockstar earlier this summer haha. i talks alot of shit about everything. to be honest this is my fifth post on this site because we share an account. i'm thinking of creating my own account so i don't get angry messages from posts i didn't post. death is at the bottom of my list. I believe in the first amendment and the 2nd lol. so this is my last post because i'm changing my password and creating a new account. i got a job in construction with my dad. i play every sport from football to wrestling. yea i have this one girl i've known since 3rd grade that i'm now going out with for like 2years now. Hi my name is jose
  12. yea i pretty much got a ps3 for the gta franchise. i got RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN, THP8, and TRANSFORMERS FOR IT. you could contact me using my user name, ZEI.
  13. dude i swear that if i didn't get a ps3 i would of got a XBOX 360 for HALO 3. Christ thats a good game!
  14. i stood in line for the Wii. i gotta say I enjoyed waiting for the Wii instead of the actual first games that came out for it. Now i enjoy playing pool on it
  15. GTA San Andreas, LCS, FiFA Street 2, Tranformers, RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN,
  16. ZEI

    Jackass: The Game

    haha dude PARTY BOOOOI
  17. i was really in to it untill gta San Andreas came out. i recently bought the sims 2 stories
  18. great concept. it has some backing to it. in the meanwhile i'll still be playing grand theft walrus.
  19. Uh, how about one about some guy who gets killed and doesn't know he's dead until the end of the story? sorry but the simsons and disney beat you to that idea
  20. go to the driver forums. they got a better input on the entire deal.
  21. hey if the bluray disk holds 40gigs(feel free to correct me if i'm wrong[and have evidence]) then the pc version would not be compatible unless you had more than 8 cd's just to create the pc file. a dvd drive to run faster, more than 2 gigs RAM for quick game play. haha it would be worth it though
  22. with the current capabilities of of the blu ray disk it would be plain retarded to cut down to the level of missions in previous games. plus the missions proceed in order of how you play the game. there was a bug in gta 3 that involved skipping missions by killing Kenji before you paly his mission causing him to disappear(oh well) ps you could leave the last luigi missions alon untill the mission to gain some leone respect.
  23. a little piece of info leaked but its said that not all peds will be reluctant for you to burst into their house. some will be sporting nice shotguns and glocs as a welcome mat. heard it at the local badges game shop.
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