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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Not studying, always on the internet, always playing games, etc... It was supposed to be one week but I went all psycho against my mother and now it's one month. I gotta go now, I'll miss you guys :'( EDIT: Just a few more mins...
  2. Thanks to everyone that will miss me. Damn, it's hard to leave...
  3. Me too That song sucks big balls.... Opinion by Nirvana. I think that you are supposed to post what you are listening to and not bitching about what others like. Guitar Man- Elvis Presley Well I did post what i was listening to, if I have a fucking opinion on what YOU are listening to I have every right to say it, so fuck you! I am listening to opinion by Nirvana... You might have the right to give an opinion but you just randomly said it sucked, btw you don't have the right to insult me dude.
  4. My mother grounded me, she's taking everything I like away from me. I'll be back in about a month or so, this is my last night here before I'm officialy grounded. I really like this place but I have to go.
  5. cool just keep doing what you are doing
  6. come to msn, I need some help from ya.

  7. how are your vids going?

  8. Banned because I don't scream like a pig.
  9. Me too That song sucks big balls.... Opinion by Nirvana. I think that you are supposed to post what you are listening to and not bitching about what others like. Guitar Man- Elvis Presley
  10. Ivan

    2 Days to Vegas

    One more video This is 50% of the final quality of the game: tech demo
  11. It's good now, I don't know what hapened it just turned out to be fine today.
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