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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. This topic will lead to some members getting angry and now that we have to make changes I don't think this topic is appropriate. No offence to you, TFY.
  2. why do you say that?

  3. Avi: 8 Sig.: Wich one? Person. pretty funny guy
  4. So you say that the WII is better than the ps2, It might be true but GTA IV is a next gen game and the WII can't afford to run that game, at least not as well as the PS3 and XBOX 360.
  5. you play ratchet and clank?

  6. Banned for not being here for more than a week.
  7. Do that timmeh and then let us know what hapened.
  8. Replying to The Random Post Topic
  9. Avi: 10 Sig: 6 Person: great super mod, one of the best and a nice guy.
  10. Good point, I didn't think of that but it will be the most sold PS3 game in my opinion.
  11. No way it will sell this much and MGS4 will sell SO much more, it's the best PS3 exclusive.
  12. Connor I guess you were happy when you found the bird
  13. Ivan


    Now I have the factory story on my head, that's some funny story.
  14. Ivan


    You need to be careful with matches, especially on a plane... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6213644.stm That woman caused some big trouble.
  15. Ivan

    So, Am I doing good?

  16. And you should't enable the option to teleport. People could take advantage of that.
  17. I think that to real punk fans, Punk will never die.
  18. Welcome and you will enjoy being here.
  19. Ivan


    That by no means is a sign of ignorance. Bin Laden is the leader and thinking mind that holds the organization together. What would be the use in him acting in any attacks. He has the risk of being killed, and what happens then? Al-Qeada would be in complete disarray and would no longer have a force to lead it. No, I'm not advocating Bin Laden and his actions, but calling him stupid is a highly ignorant statement. Very true, I was just saying that to a friend yesterday.
  20. You are communist? I think that soemtimes I might be communist aswell.

  21. I lost a pes 08 match in the final minute, I did pretty good because I was Benfica and my friend was Manchester. Today was boring
  22. Good stunts but it gets a bit repetitive, try improving on that. No offence.
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