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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. I wonder why this is in the Entertainment forum but yeah my mother told me he died.
  2. Ivan

    2 Days to Vegas

    Something very cool: Gameplay Demo, go here
  3. hello fellow also member of the LCF.

  4. I wonder why all of you like Little Big Planet so much, it doesn't seem cool at all.
  5. Good news for MGS fans, there's a MGS4 demo coming out in February.
  6. Banned because I'm eating cookies.
  7. 2x + 45 + 75/12-1.23456789,1234567890= I don't know.
  8. Most of the time yes but sometimes they don't.
  9. I'm having this weird problem with youtube and I don't know if it's my brower's fault or youtube it self. When I go to youtube it has a strange site layout, it's weird, I never saw youtube this way, did this hapen to you? I will apreciate any help you can give me. Cheers.
  10. Banned for being a member of the LCF.
  11. Let's just wait for an official anoucement from R*.
  12. So I was at school, class finished and I wanted to relax so there was this girl from my class that was always talking in an annoying way so I said to her: Why don't you put a shotgun in your mouth and blow your head off so that I can live in peace. After that she got all emotional and said she was going to tell the principal about me,bla bla bla... This is to her: FUCK YOU! ANNOYING LITTLE BASTARD!!!!!!! SUTPID CUNT!!!!!!!!!!! BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok....
  13. I don't think that's true, Tests actually help us but it's true that school can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
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