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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Hi Jack, I'm glad you finally joined the forum, you will see this forum is great Now I have two cousins on this forum.
  2. Ivan

    PS3 or XBOX360

    Don't you have a ps3? Anyway if you buy the wii then you can't play GTA IV.
  3. Ivan

    PS3 or XBOX360

    Why is it better anyway?
  4. Ivan

    PS3 or XBOX360

    The 360 isn't cheaper than the PS3 anymore
  5. Ivan

    PS3 or XBOX360

    Buy the PS3, it's better than the 360, mainly because of the blu-ray and you're right the PS3 is silent,there are other reasons P.S- You can buy the best game ever( MGS4)
  6. You were the one that said that didn't watch TV or the news, the only thing that rised in Portugal are those problems in the nightclubs.
  7. Howdy, I'm Bernardo

  8. Don't insult him, you are indeed a newb to the forums.
  9. How did you become Elite?

  10. The roling stones, they look like fucking zombies now, they should quit.
  11. You have some realy good skills Keep them coming!
  12. That would be awesome, "take that you stupid pedestrian!"
  13. I would love that to be snow, Liberty City looks really good with snow.
  14. This is pretty cool, glad you found that
  15. Well, I hope you come back as soon as you can.
  16. He can't right now. Why not?
  17. Why don't you just admit that you are wrong Warner?
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