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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. The official pic for this topic...? I don't really like it, but that's just me.
  2. Now I'm playing Fahrenheit, really good game.
  3. I have a lcd samsung, plasma sucks, my TV came just about minutes ago.
  4. Sig:I give it a 9, it's really cool, did you make it? Avi:7 Person: seems like a cool new member
  5. ermmm...if u dont complete the mission "Phnom Penh 98" u cant access to the whole island!!! and u also cant access to the stadium too unless u complete it!!! yeah i know that get there by helicopter is fast but the door of the stadium is locked...need some proves? You must be really stupid, don't you understand what people tell you?
  6. I give it a 8, I think it's really good.
  7. Yeah, you could kill all the Portugal population and get only 25 years. One of the many reasons this country sucks.
  8. New Jersey doesn't have the death penalty anymore, it's the first state in the USA that doesn't have it. What do you think of this?
  9. Yeah, I played the demo, sucks major ass
  10. My Full HD TV is coming tomorrow I had to buy it because I have a PS3.
  11. You can do this: Cop: you can't talk on the phone when you are driving Man: I was just calling you pretty stupid...
  12. That should be in the HATE topic but both topics are similar.
  13. I would love to have a AK-47 and a Single Action Army, too bad I'm only thirteen.
  14. I'm playing pes,master league, 1º division, 1º spot, Benfica.
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