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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Now you are just making up excuses....
  2. Hi, remember to read the rules and be active( don't spam or I will kill you j/k)
  3. I always loved mini games. I wanted a mini game that you could play one mission from every gta( that isn't really a mini game but whatever)
  4. If any MGS or GTA were there I think it should be SA and the first MGS.
  5. I just wanted to prove that Warner was lying.
  6. So I received an email from rocktar and they didn't say anything about the release, so take that you liar!
  7. I just email them, I will wait for an answer. I feel stupid doing this. EDIT:So I received and email saying that my email was received and I'll get a response within 24 hours
  8. SORY DIDNT KNW I KANT MOD PS2!!! NVM THIS POST1!11!1!11!!!111111LULZ I PWN U UR ALL GAY !!!!111111!
  9. This is news because it was comfirmed that there was only two packs of episodic content.
  10. Just news: "Speculation has flooded the Internet recently about the possibility of Rockstar Games releasing even more exclusive episodic content for the Xbox 360. This was seen by many as a definite killer for the PlayStation 3 version, but it is now clear that Rockstar Games plans to not go further than their two pieces of exclusive episodic content for Microsoft’s console. Conjecture started when executives from the Take-Two conference call added that GTA IV would feature new episodic content in 2009. Ending the confusion, Rockstar has come out to disclaim the rumors by saying that they do not attend to release further episodic content beyond their already two confirmed pieces for the 360. While this news may come as closure, it paints a clear image that Sony needs to be very aggressive this generation as succeeding on name alone is not enough to suffice consumers this time around. It is reported that Microsoft paid USD 50 million to ensure that they get the downloadable content exclusively for the Xbox 360. In the end, hopefully this will not allow for the PS3 version to suffer in sales over its 360 counterpart. While graphics ran the industry in the 90s, today it is more so about what console has the more exclusive content. Hopefully Sony in the future will not allow such avenues to be explored by competitors."
  11. It's cold, I have to protect myself from the evil cold
  12. I would like the admiral and the oceanic to come back.
  13. I have a request, not a pic to use on the forums but for myself. I wanted a russian guy holding an ak-47 Red background Type IVAN ALEXANDROV in black with russian letters. If you need more details just say. Thanks.
  14. I know you can make a good storyline but aren't you copying gta too much?
  15. Yeah, how can gta not be here, shamefull ign...
  16. You changed your name

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