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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Dude, if you're gonna be a little bitch everytime you're bored, you might aswell get the fuck out of here. Go do something useful if you have that much free time.
  2. It's a game soundtrack. So yeah, just music. I did come across those things you mentioned while I googled it but I'm still clueless as to how to open it.
  3. I realize this may come off as a silly question but whatever, I need some help. So I wanted to open some files with .net extension and my computer asks what program to use so I can open it. The thing is that I have no fucking idea so yeah, any help would be great. Thanks.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Fallout 3 quite a bit. I was just pointing out some stuff that pissed me off. Anyway, I saw a fair share of glitches in my Xbox version, I can't even imagine how much of a pain it can be for PS3 users.
  5. You don't need any skills to kill people with a chopper. Especially in such open ended places like in the airport.
  6. That's actually what made me stop playing( that and the fact my xbox live subscription ended). It's just not fucking cool when you're trying to play fair and then all you see is some dude spamming grenades or rockets and using those helicopters.
  7. Dude, stop being such a pussy.
  8. Not if you're by yourself.
  9. Whoa, you guys are being a bit harsh, no? I don't exactly adore Raybob but come on.
  10. Tranquility Lane is super fun if you butcher everyone, can't say much more than that is worth it. A proper chainsaw would be badass, like to kill kids and stuff. I know this is gonna sound sick but I'd like to have some more obscure and nasty stuff thrown into the game, hell, stuff that was already in past Fallout games like becoming a hooker. It really helps in terms of defining how much of a mess the world, thus becoming a more immersive game. Not something likely but one can hope. OH AND FIX THE STUPID ENEMY ENCOUNTERS I can't tell how pissed I've got when I lose valuable npcs because everytime I quick travel, some motherfucking powerful enemy shows up and kills everyone, it's way too lame and makes no sense at all.
  11. Seems that way, uh? No more fallout "fans" around here? But fuck, I can't really recall any more big flaws, I mean, the story wasn't very good or very well written but it was enough to keep me going. Just no more "Oh I must search for my daddy!" stuff, please. All in all, with these new changes and the good stuff from Fallout 3, it seems like it will be a pretty sweet game. Just don't fuck up the ending this time. Oh and let me shoot kids and all that nasty stuff.
  12. Nah, you're right. Vats sucks big time, I'd rather have turn based combat than that shit. And yeah, MGS3's inventory system was like that, it really is a lot better than in Fallout 3. Basically, my problem with the karma system is that I don't like having this stupid label on me telling me all the time how bad or good I am, I shouldn't get a stupid warning telling me that I lose or win karma, it's dumb. I like to know how "good" I am by the way people respond to me, by some events in the game, shit like that. Now don't give me a bar or whatever, I'd rather put some fucking horns on my character and have people call him the devil.
  13. I'm definitely going to do my first playthrough in harcore mode, it sounds really sweet. But yeah, the gameplay is awfull in Fallout 3 and I doubt they they'll change it significantly in New Vegas. It's a real shame if they don't fix this though, it would make Fallout a much more enjoyable game. Plus, I'm hoping the changes on the karma system are good, it was way fucking retarded in Fallout 3, like: "Yo, I just blew up a whole town but it don't matter cuz I can just give water to some random dudes and then BAM! I'm a fucking Messiah". This shit can't happen, it's one of the things I hate about most western rpgs.
  14. What an interesting turn of events.
  15. Fuck, totally forgot. It's cool that Obsidian's doing it since there's some of the original people from Fallout 1 and 2 on their staff.
  16. It seems cool, the stuff Bethesda does are pretty much the only WRPGs I like.
  17. Are you serious? It's so fucking gross.
  18. People who eat with their mouth open and generally those who make a lot of annoying noises with their mouth/ nose/ whatever.
  19. That's cool. Although, I don't really need it. I'm getting this on day one, never had any doubts.
  20. Youtube has sucked for a long time.
  21. I heard that your team's AI is completely retarded.
  22. All I can tell you is that if you enjoy writing, if it's something you see yourself spending some good time doing then don't give up or get pissed about it, even if you suck or you're not improving, all that fucking matters is that you enjoy doing it, other people liking your stuff is just a "bonus". This isn't really directed at anyone in particular, I just felt like I needed to say this.
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