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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. It's kinda ironic that his name's cool dude and he has like the worst rep of the whole forum.

  2. The DS's a different case though, it's line up is fucking brilliant, it deserves every praise it gets. I can see how more simple and entertaining games like those in the Wii are bringing new people into gaming but I think the majoraty is still probably going to be playing Guitar Hero or Wii Fit until they get bored and don't even play anymore. I see this new involvement in gaming becoming more of an ilusion, rather that the actual increase of people who are really into what games can truly represent. If I were to start gaming right now, I would actually be turned off by most games on the Wii but then again I probably would feel the same way if I got into some hardcore JRPGs or stuff like that, there is a middle ground to this though. Games that manage to combine good writting, a good storyline and fun gameplay, all wrapped up in a simple way, games like Okami for example. This is the stuff I'd like to see new gamers getting excited about. I don't plan to start any "Are games art?" or whatever shitty argument like that but I truly do not see games as toys anymore, the way they can trigger emotions, the way they can have incredibly well thought out and engaging mechanics, I just can't see it as a toy.
  3. Since when are sales numbers the maximum authority on which systems/ whatever are the best? The Wii does well because it capitalizes on a very profitable market(casual gaming) but on the other hand, it almost completly ignores what used to be the core consumers, the so called "hardcore" gamers. This leaves you with a bunch of fun party games and like 5 mature games, No More Heroes for example. That's not the way to develop a complete system but if you wanna get rich then yeah, it's fucking great. Games haven't really been toys for a while now, they have big budgets, long and well written scripts, voice actors and generate more money than a bunch of other industries. Don't get me wrong, I like games that aren't overly complicated, I like games that are fun and simple and all but I don't like the idea of having a system solely based on that.
  4. Like it or not, the casual gaming market is profitable, Sony wants in.
  5. That's precisely what they're getting at.
  6. Yeah, but who says you can't combine both things? To be honest, I sorta like the design, I don't really care if it's a wii rip off. Now that I think about, I could swear I've seen a sex toy that looks exactly like it, don't know the name though.
  7. They could have been a little bit more creative with the name.
  8. Ivan

    Happy birthday :)

  9. You do that. And then fucking buy it man.
  10. It's fucking amazing. I love how you can pretty much do the game on one fucking afternoon, there are no game overs, no going back to change the shit you did. Did your character die? Deal with the consequences. This is the stuff a lot of RPG developers have been claiming to do( present meaningfully choices)but still haven't done so. The story, dialogue, voice acting, music and even the gameplay( trust me, those "silly" QTEs can be a lot more intense than many action sequences I've seen in FPS and the like) are all A+. If it weren't for MGS4, this would be my favourite game for the PS3. Forget about Uncharted, Killzone, God of War,whatever, this is the shit you need to have.
  11. Yeah, it does seem that way, uh? Why anyone would bother to copy such awfull stories like those is beyond me though.
  12. Happy birthday man.

  13. Actually, from what I hear, Sony didn't do shit. The PS3 itself fixes the problem.
  14. Someone noticed!

    Nah, just kidding but thanks man.

  15. I laughed at the comparisons with the red ring of death.
  16. Nah, I didn't mean it that way. Your videos and music should be fine, dynamic themes however will probably get corrupted, I lost my Afrika theme. It was nice with all the zebras and shit, now I'm pissed.
  17. Fuck, I'm glad I saw this now. My PS3's been off since yesterday so if I just leave it alone it might be for the best. But Would it be the same if I turned my PS3 on without signing in on PSN? I heard the problem was connected to the PSN. Edit: Seems like this already happened a while ago, must be why I couldn't sign in on PSN yesterday. The problem isn't really all that serious from what I could get, it's probably gonna be fixed soon and it's like only Trophies whores who'll really be upset. I for one, do not give a flying fuck about trophies so I'm cool with that.
  18. Ivan

    Bad Company 2

    Didn't like the first, don't like the sequel.
  19. Ha, fun fact: I just found out of a place with the whole soundtrack in a .rar extension, so I can finally get it But thanks for telling me about that program Raybob, I'll keep it here just in case.
  20. It's a PS2 exclusive game so yeah.... Anyway, I got a classmate of mine in a hunt for the soundtrack, he knows that shit well so hopefully he should be able to get it for me. Thanks anyway Gerard.
  21. So you're forced to prestige when you reach a certain level? That's pretty lame.
  22. Awesome, now use all that excitement in you to make a good impression on this place.
  23. I don't really get it either, the soundtrack is on a site and it just says the extension is .net Maybe I should just let this go. But thanks a lot for all the help guys.
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