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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. i heard the cutscenes are really long in it etc. but yeah i agree with you, the games are good, just i dont wanna sit around waiting to do something. generally you can pick up the basic story / what happened in the cutscene by the objectives of the next mission (in prototype at least) and u know, just, over waiting. more play less movie. You can't pick up the story in MGS4, if you skip the cutscenes, no way. It's incredible how you guys can't wait for a while, even though the cutscenes are great and for a fan of MGS they should be, since they're incredibly well made and answer everything players wanted to know. Lol, it just really pisses me off when people start saying that MGS4 is more of a movie than a game. But I guess this is a never ending argument, I can't change your view on lenghy cutscenes, I enjoy them, a lot. So if you want, skip them, I just wanted to let you know that it usually itsn't the right thing to too, you might enjoy a game more.
  2. rofl agreed. i borrowed MGS4 off my mate, havent really played it yet but heard many good things about it. one thing i HATE with video games (not sure why) , its the cut scenes. i ALWAYS skip them. only time i havent skipped is in some GTA's when i remember the mission, eg vice city for diaz "EJECT PLASTIC CRAP!" i lol'd. welll 1. gran turismo series 2. gta series 3. cod4/5 4. nfs series 5. prototype/scarface (lol cant decide between these. they were both made by radical) movies this list is subject to change lol. and not in any order 1. scarface 2. the hangover 3. starsky and hutch 4. fast and furious series (cos of the cars/girls ) 5. fat pizza (you probably havent heard of it unless your aussie, its a movie that was from a TV show, bloody hilarious though) If you skip cutscenes in most games, you don't deserve playing MGS4 and many other story-driven games, actually you don't deserve playing most games, except sports,etc... And btw, GTA isn't even in my top 10, might also not be in my top 15 too. To be fair, you can be forgiven for skipping the cutscenes in MGS4, seriously, the ending cutscene is a 'sit down in an insanely comfy chair, bust out the popcorn and coke and watch a 2 and a half hour movie' kind of cutscene. To people that aren'«'t fans of the series and don't know the story, I guess it's alright but for hardcore fans, those that played every MGS, it's not understandable to skip cutscenes. Which means that if you do skip the cutscenes, odds are you aren't a fan of the series, and to those, MGS4 will mean practically nothing, which means it's sorta pointless to play it. It does have great action parts in the game but it's really about the story, nostalgia, snake's ending,etc..., that won't mean much to non fans. I would say I am a fan of the series but I was seriously getting bored through a lot of the cutscenes like Yahtzee said: 'Some say that politicains can talk for hours on end and not actually say anything. If that's true then Hideo Kojima could run for president and be govenor of the universe by lunch time.' He trashes everything so he can be "funny" so his opinion isn't the best one.... No offense, but if you were that bored, then you're probably not as much of a fan as you think you are, at least that's the way I see it, I don't know for sure how much you enjoy MGS.
  3. rofl agreed. i borrowed MGS4 off my mate, havent really played it yet but heard many good things about it. one thing i HATE with video games (not sure why) , its the cut scenes. i ALWAYS skip them. only time i havent skipped is in some GTA's when i remember the mission, eg vice city for diaz "EJECT PLASTIC CRAP!" i lol'd. welll 1. gran turismo series 2. gta series 3. cod4/5 4. nfs series 5. prototype/scarface (lol cant decide between these. they were both made by radical) movies this list is subject to change lol. and not in any order 1. scarface 2. the hangover 3. starsky and hutch 4. fast and furious series (cos of the cars/girls ) 5. fat pizza (you probably havent heard of it unless your aussie, its a movie that was from a TV show, bloody hilarious though) If you skip cutscenes in most games, you don't deserve playing MGS4 and many other story-driven games, actually you don't deserve playing most games, except sports,etc... And btw, GTA isn't even in my top 10, might also not be in my top 15 too. To be fair, you can be forgiven for skipping the cutscenes in MGS4, seriously, the ending cutscene is a 'sit down in an insanely comfy chair, bust out the popcorn and coke and watch a 2 and a half hour movie' kind of cutscene. To people that aren'«'t fans of the series and don't know the story, I guess it's alright but for hardcore fans, those that played every MGS, it's not understandable to skip cutscenes. Which means that if you do skip the cutscenes, odds are you aren't a fan of the series, and to those, MGS4 will mean practically nothing, which means it's sorta pointless to play it. It does have great action parts in the game but it's really about the story, nostalgia, snake's ending,etc..., that won't mean much to non fans.
  4. Lol, I still do love GTA, it's just that I've played stuff that I've enjoyed more. Funny thing is that a new GTA is always the game that gets me hyped the most, despite not being in my favourites.
  5. Cutscenes are a big part in some games,especially MGS4, if you skip them just cause you want action and can't stand still for a while, then it's retarded, of course this isn't the case with every game.
  6. rofl agreed. i borrowed MGS4 off my mate, havent really played it yet but heard many good things about it. one thing i HATE with video games (not sure why) , its the cut scenes. i ALWAYS skip them. only time i havent skipped is in some GTA's when i remember the mission, eg vice city for diaz "EJECT PLASTIC CRAP!" i lol'd. welll 1. gran turismo series 2. gta series 3. cod4/5 4. nfs series 5. prototype/scarface (lol cant decide between these. they were both made by radical) movies this list is subject to change lol. and not in any order 1. scarface 2. the hangover 3. starsky and hutch 4. fast and furious series (cos of the cars/girls ) 5. fat pizza (you probably havent heard of it unless your aussie, its a movie that was from a TV show, bloody hilarious though) If you skip cutscenes in most games, you don't deserve playing MGS4 and many other story-driven games, actually you don't deserve playing most games, except sports,etc... And btw, GTA isn't even in my top 10, might also not be in my top 15 too.
  7. Okay, so: Games: 1- Metal Gear Solid 1 2- Metal Gear Solid 4 3- Metal Gear Solid 3 4- Okami 5- Killer7 It's something along those lines, but aside from the MGSs, it's really hard to decide after playing so many great games. Dunno about movies though, my favourite two are Pulp Fiction and Clockwork Orange but the rest is always changing.... And Steam, how can a game that hasn't even come out, be your favourite?
  8. Is this about what's he best movie/ game for you, or what movies/ games you think are best, not depending on how much you actually like it?
  9. Right now it's "I can't control myself" by the Horrors.
  10. Ivan

    Game sessions

    I'm up for a FIFA 09 match on the PS3, pretty much any time, hit me up on msn or whatever if any of you guys wanna play.
  11. if you can get it for a good deal i would. i payed retail ($50 aud, which is like 20 pounds) for it. its really fun, the graphics are awesome, it has splitscreen (hallelujah), drift trial as well. theres only like 5 tracks or something, but put it this way, i turned all assists (ESP, TCS etc etc) off, and put it on professional physics, i havent beaten all the events yet and i got it like 2 weeks ago. although to beat C and B events it took a couple days. the A ones are pretty hard. You aren't gunna fucking believe this load of bullshit... So today i went out and bought GT5 prologue, then went and had a pub lunch with a mate and somehwo lost the fucking bag with the game in it and i couldn't find the fucker anywhere!!!!!!! So pissed off right now =[ Shit, that happened with me too, but in my case it was FIFA 09, lost it in Mcdonalds but thankfully the cleaning lady guarded it so then I picked it up.
  12. Husky, that description is so wrong, where's the pizza reference?
  13. Eh, that sucks bro. I hope mine doesn't get fucked any time soon, it's the first model and I need it to play my ps2 games.
  14. Yea, exactly what I was thinking.
  15. Yeah, you do look like her. Say, are you hiding something too?
  16. Lol, I like the brazilian soap operas we get here in Portugal Anyway, Since you were talking about movies and all I'll just go with that. Saw two movies in the cinema these past 2 days. Limits of Control- Awesome movie, really different from usual stuff, can't really describe it since it's sort of weird and I don't want to spoil it for anyone but if you're in the mood for something different, watch it. Two lovers- At first I thought it was going to be the usual love crap but it's instead a good drama movie with some obvious love themes. Quite different from the typical love story so if you're into that, I'd recommend. Now I'm looking forward to see Public Enemies and Tarantino's new movie.
  17. Haha, " it's just a little bit of penis"
  18. Yea, it does appear like it's you who likes to have the final say since you're obviously wrong and yet you keep posting like you were right.
  19. Lol, what? Dunno what that is but it sure looks weird to me.
  20. Happy birthday :)

  21. Sure he can. Doesn't mean he chooses to. Anyway, these people obviously aren't Christians. The Christian Science Belief Not necessarily, because Christians believe that they can be saved if they ask for forgiveness and repent. (Granting that they actually do believe.....) Either God can't save anyone or he's a fucking sick bastard.
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