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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Happy birthday! Hope you have a good day
  2. Yeah but their defense is shit. That's why Barcelona killed them 6-2 last season, and it doesn't seem like they're fixing it. Anyway, Man. Utd. signed Michael Owen witch seems kind of stupid but I suppose its not that bad if he comes off the bench. Which again brings up the question of another striker, there's been some talk of Zlatan Ibrahimovic but I mean, I don't think he'd be fast enough for the Premier League. :/ Good for Owen, I really like him. Ibrahimovic might not be very fast but he sure as hell makes up for it with his other skills, I remember Inter saying that he's worth 100 millions.
  3. Lol at the guy on the right, second pic.
  4. Fuckimg shit, Real Madrid has way too much money, their offence will be insanely good.
  5. +1. This section seems pretty inactive atm anyway, so it probably would be better to wait a while for things to pick up again. But just waiting won't solve anything, things will remain the same. I think it would be good to the more skilled gfx people to just post some new stuff to atract more people.
  6. I never knew Billy Mays but it seems like a lot of people here like him, so RIP.
  7. Ready for Love- Mindless Self Indulgence
  8. They're like a bit more than 1 gb.
  9. Ivan

    GTA Movies

    Like Pulp Fiction. I was thinking more like a movie series like Liberty City is the first movie then, Vice City is the second etc. The storyline of each gta game is great, wouldn't it be great enough to turn it into a movie? What?
  10. Well, the fact that it isn't patchy is easily explained by how insecure he seems. If he had patches, of course he'd bleach/whatever his entire body to match. And yeah, he definitely had personality and self-esteem issues. But I can understand that. Those are extremely common with how today's society is. Did anyone hear his story of his first sexual encounter? It didn't get very far because he ended up burying his face in his hands and crying. I don't remember why, though. I saw that yesterday, he couldn't do it because he was very shy, he said. The doumentary yesterday about him really explained a lot and definitely made me respect and like him even more. What's that documentary called? I'd really like to watch it. Sorry man, I dunno.
  11. Well, the fact that it isn't patchy is easily explained by how insecure he seems. If he had patches, of course he'd bleach/whatever his entire body to match. And yeah, he definitely had personality and self-esteem issues. But I can understand that. Those are extremely common with how today's society is. Did anyone hear his story of his first sexual encounter? It didn't get very far because he ended up burying his face in his hands and crying. I don't remember why, though. I saw that yesterday, he couldn't do it because he was very shy, he said. The doumentary yesterday about him really explained a lot and definitely made me respect and like him even more.
  12. True but overall I'd have to say Las Venturas, or the desert.
  13. You serious? It's so fucking flat it's disgusting to me. I'd like to taste Macedonians's Coke, since it's my favourite drink, would like to see it on its best. Just because the machines weren't refilled recently doesn't mean it's always shitty. You serious? It's so fucking flat it's disgusting to me. I'd like to taste Macedonians's Coke, since it's my favourite drink, would like to see it on its best. Oh man, yeah, McDonalds coke is fucking awful. It's like 80% water/ice 20% coke. Horrible shit with no flavour whatsoever, I'd rather drink an AIDS ridden prostitute's piss. @Spaz: There's 23 flavours of Dr Pepper? WTF, is this some weird ass American thing or something? Fairly sure we just have one Dr Pepper over here, oh and maybe Diet... so a total of 2. Like a normal soft drink. Over here, we're allowed to make our OWN drinks, so we don't even have to put ice in it((and we usually don't, most cases of food poisoning are a result of ice, not the food at all)). And when you get a drink on just the right day, when that shit is like 99% syrup.... Holy.... Shit.... No, not 23 flavors OF Dr. Pepper, there's 23 flavors IN Dr. Pepper. And I do believe I had a "Dr. Pepper Cherry" or something... WTF? Twenty-three flavors and one of them isn't cherry? REALLY!? Nah, it's always like that, at least here.
  14. The Lonely Island- Big Bong Brothers
  15. You serious? It's so fucking flat it's disgusting to me. I'd like to taste Macedonians's Coke, since it's my favourite drink, would like to see it on its best.
  16. That's okay, it's just the way you said it really seemed like it was a fact to you. Btw, that's a nice tribute Huck, good job
  17. Yeah, that's been annoying the shit ot of me today. I mean, one of the worlds greatest entertainers just died and people are joking about him. They're probably just slightly annoyed at everyone mourning hellah but forgetting the fact that he's sexually assulted chldren? He didn't sexually assaulted children, it was never proved and like Spaz said it's all rooted to his childhood, he never reallt grew up and he loves children, I saw a sort of documentary of him today( which btw was awesome even though kinda sad) and he explains that he slept with those children to just read stories and give them candy,etcc... That does sound a bir weird but he's just a guy that loves feeling like a child and in a way he's a child, he Peter Pan in his heart( his own words). He was such an interesting person and I really love his respect and cherish for childhood.
  18. Ivan

    GTA London

    I would like a new location to be honest, I remember playing The Getaway wich took place in London and it kinda freaked me out, didn't like it. And yeah, I agree, enough with the Liberty City remakes.
  19. Ivan

    Ps3 for $200?

    That's the 60 gb, but the 80 one is also backwards compatible.
  20. Yeah, his speed and power is insane, great player you guys got there.
  21. Ivan

    Ps3 for $200?

    Totally worth it.
  22. That child molestation thing was never proved I think. Anyway, there's an interesting article by 1UP that shows Michael Jackson's influence in gaming, here.
  23. Been listening to some Michael Jackson stuff.
  24. Don't worry bro^^^^ Anyway, I would like for Luiz to be able to change clothes, more side missions, more guns with silencers if possible, more aditions to the soundtrack, more enterable buildings, an emotional storyline. GTA IV did a pretty good job with that.
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