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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. So what? You can still play both.... I chose Rem's, it was pretty funny.
  2. It was awesome, I watched it til the end.
  3. I don't really think the PS3 is outdated, just check out some of its exclusives like MGS4, Uncharted,etc.. What I find odd is that developers seem to find the PS3 especially hard to produce games for, some games released for the PS3 have a lot of glitches and stuff like that.
  4. Damn, that sig's awesome Spaz and quite funny too, especially master chief's helmet lying on the ground.
  5. Way better than SA, fuck that stupid ghetto story.
  6. Avi: 8/10 Sig: 8/10 Person: really cool dude.
  7. Well...recentally I have been playing through re4 for the 100'th time lol Other than that ...I've been playing... -all my NES games!!! XD -God of War -SOTC -Ico -and Combat Arms!!! Nice, Resident Evil sure is epic, I've completed it some minutes ago. Now playing MGS4. Btw from what I've heard Ico is awesome, never played it unfortunately.
  8. Exactly, you live and make a purpose of your own.
  9. I'm not going to make any sig but I gues I could still give a theme suggestion. Max Payne, Metal Gear or Half Life. Damn, i just noticed that poll, Half life ftw.
  10. Ivan

    Killzone 2

    I enjoyed the demo but I probably won't buy it. I'll just wait for HL2: Episode 3....
  11. This would be awesome. I'd really like to go and England isn't far from Portugal and not very expensive so yeah it would be pretty cool.
  12. I always skip the homepage, I just don't feel the need to see it, I always see news in the forums.
  13. Awesome. Keep us updated and continue to do what you do best.
  14. Nice videos, maybe do a walkthrough of both games?
  15. Nice, I hope there will be physical copies of the DLC avaible in stores.
  16. That's great, I'll be sure to check it out when everything's done since I love the Max Payne series.

  17. - How many times have you had the RRoD? Zero - How long do you play on your Xbox 360? At school days something like 30 min, at the weekend maybe 3 hours. - How long do you wait for to get your 360 back? Dunno, mine never broke. - What do you have as a back up for bordem? PC - Does the RRoD make you wanna buy a PS3 or a Wii? Not really. - What games do you usually play on your 360? Fallout 3, GTA IV, Bioshock, etc... - What do you do to cool down your 360? Nothing, it never gets hot. - Is your Xbox 360 placed Vertically or Horizontally? Vertically. - What is the longest period you have had your 360 without RRoD? 11 months
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