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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Ivan

    Swine Flu?

    I'm not worried, dunno why really, it just doesn't keep me up at night or anything.
  2. Yeah, they were pretty awesome though.
  3. Well, you gotta beat puzzles using a portal gun, you can make portals to get in and then out.
  4. I thought it was pretty good, nice work dude.
  5. Yeah, cutscenes are fucking awesome, Capcom always delivers games with great graphics. I'm on mission 10 or 11, can't really remember but so far it's been prety good.
  6. Nah, it has what I said and Team Fortress too, which I forgot.
  7. I've actually never played/seen anyone play a Half Life game. They look pretty cool though, might consider getting the first( and then the next once I beat it )since I got a laptop. I've been needing to play a new game lately anyway. After you get the first one just buy the Orange Box, it has HL 2 and the 2 episodes plus the epic portal
  8. Haha, Ravenholm sure was epic, just like most parts of Half Life 2 to be honest. Btw, is The Darkness any good, Connor? I was thinking of buying it but I dunno.
  9. Well said, I seriously think there's no reason to get VCS, if you really wish to get a portable gta game go get Chinatown Wars or LCS.
  10. Californication is awesome and so is How I met your mother, they're my two favourite show at the moment, Californication does have a lot of sex scenes, which is a good thing and the plot, well the plot is a bit random but funny as hell. Too bad I've been missing out on the 3rd season of Dexter, I really love that show.
  11. I thought it was pretty cool, especially the music and I enjoyed the slow motion effect in the beggining.
  12. I think that would be better than Elites having special weapons, it wouldn't be very fair.
  13. Bethesda seem to only get better with time, I believe they'll deliver a great experience.
  14. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Very High Schizotypal: High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: High Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
  15. Thanks, I thought no one would mention American Dad, it's pretty awesome. Family guy and Futurama are also awesome but I just hate King of the Hill.
  16. Welcome to the forums man, try to only post here when you reach a significant milestone like 100 posts, then 500, then 1000,etc...
  17. Vanished by Crystal Castles Thanks nate
  18. Washing your face really helps, I do it everytime I actually study
  19. MGS4 on the highest difficulty, it's been hard sometimes but so far so good, on to the third chapter now.
  20. Back when I was a kid probably, I wish I had started playing guitar when I was younger and some other stuff.
  21. Holy fucking shit, Man U just scored by Ronaldo, it was such an amazing goal, haha, suck on that Helton.
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