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Everything posted by Steven

  1. ***You are "Yakuza" (Japanese mafia)*** What Japanese Smiley Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatjapanesesmileyareyouquiz/ w00t!
  2. You can have them Marquee kida like the arcade awards. :|
  3. Hey welcome to the forums! Of you have questions please use the Search tool before posting questions. You may have your question solved already! Please respect all Staff and other members as well. The Rules can be found here. Have a good time and happy new years! Happy Posting!
  4. Probly won't be for another couple weeks.
  5. i WANT A WII!!!11 Ps3 over rated and over priced IMO.
  6. Not as easy as it looks. You try to shoot em you might run into a tree or something.
  7. I personaly HATE racing in GTA sucks. Just sucks. Im not bad at it but if one bad move then you have to start all over again. So share your thoughts about this. Do YOU like to race as missions? Or keep it seperate.
  8. yo ma whats up?

  9. Driv3r for sure is the WORST game ever. Backround music got om my f**king nerves
  10. Posted on: Mar 18 2005, 05:24 PM lol shh.. he will blow our cover shhh.. j/k :/
  11. Yes it will. And i will record it and put it on youtube.
  12. hehe i like my new avatar. Thanks everyone! and i had it plugged in the whole time. :/
  13. woot! 100,000 users and 6,666 members! Congrats slayer for making the milestone post! [woot i made the 100,133 post!] next mile stone should be 133,337 posts. Very l33t IMO.
  14. Well i have beaten GTA VCS in about 14 hours. With messing around and causing trouble. I got it christmas day. And played it like no tomorrow. YAY! OMFG I BEAT GTAVCS CLUB here i come ^^
  15. ANSWER MY PMS!!!!!


    Dave calm down. We do not want to bug you about your PMS.

  16. Dave rate me or die.

    I gave u 5 star btw.

  17. 8/10. Just started and looks awesome. I can live with the glitches though. ^^
  18. Merry Christmas everyone!
  19. Awesome Commercial. Well thought out and made.
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