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Everything posted by Akuma

  1. nobody cares about post count anymore. Osiris is the bike a BMX lol Keep the training wheels on!!! We don't want you to ride on the street, fall off and die!
  2. ^ RANTER! btw, BitTorrent is ALWAYS slower than normal downloading, and if you get enough seeders, it goes faster < MEEEE V not me
  3. ^ reviewed CATCF (too lazy to type it out) < read review V new
  4. Akuma

    it's me

    Yeah sure you can change your name, go to the store and buy a name change. Who were you before Leprekon, that left as pyro did?
  5. I'd get it for PS2, if I had one, but over here they probably wouldn't sell San Andreas anymore, but if they did, then it would cost $150 probably. I REALLY want that intro.
  6. ava: 8/10 funny sig: 9/10 (i just like it looks cool) personality: cool mod
  7. avatar: 8/10 futurama sig: 7/10 weird per: COOL PERSON MODERATOR
  8. ^ Just got Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on DVD. < Hasn't seen that damn movie. V Chris82 or Spaz
  9. ^ Skyeline btw, Sky^ my name isn't pronounced Ack-oo-ma, instead, Acku-Ma (not long o sound but short u sound) < Wonders what Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim is V NOT A NOOB
  10. ^ Plays Counterstrike source. I have never been a fan of CS, btw. < strange V CONFUSED
  11. Nothing TOO realistic should be included in GTA4, because if it was realistic, every crash would be lethal, and that wouldn't be any fun. Elaborating on Xenon's idea: Another idea is lockpicking. When you go to a car, if it's locked, you take a few seconds to lockpick it (and possibly get caught by the cops), or get a bat and smash the window. But that could make it too stupid, if cops keep arresting you. There should be opening doors for more interiors, and NO SIM LIKE FEATURES. Hunger is stupid.
  12. ^ SPASMOD SONIC FAN < Made a new sig, advertising Pepsi, in a stupid way check Creativity forum V Has no sig.
  13. New sig! Shameless plug, and same style as before. I reinstalled, and found HEAPS of font on my computer.
  14. ^ Wants to close off DS to forum veterans and is teh spasmod < Wants my internet speed back (damn dialup) V Someone
  15. o agphute qh hgiosaPGgpds94620- i76oludf 7y. used my foot, keyboard on the ground
  16. ^ n me no taaaalk me smrt, doesn't know how to close font wrappers < got my copy of VC working again! joy V Cannot airgrab in VC.
  17. jehde's 1080 to grind in XXL, or ZeroX's cork to grind to cork.
  18. You can't airgrab in San Andreas because CJ kicks off the back of the bike, as opposed to Tommy moving off to the side. That I hate.
  19. 6yt7thyg comment: ouch, my loose key got shaken off and I now have no right alt.
  20. I made a new Grunge Sparkle sig with Akuma (the character) as the render. I had an idea to change my forum name to dEmonichObo temporarily. I also had an idea to start a sig shop, but charge nothing for sigs as money is technically useless, and I got enough. (may take a while to make sigs though.) The image (if it has no border, then its too dark, or I stuffed up [borders don't work for me well] edit: shit, could a mod change the title to new sig? edit 2: Oh what the hell, could someone suggest new fonts? my photoshop fonts SUCK.
  21. * Vice Physics (well atleast not having the character kick off the back of the bike) *No kids and animals * street races (actual street races not the crap in SA) * Mafia * more bikes BIG CITIES Small Countrysides (took me 10 minutes to drive to a save point in SA)
  22. I may get the revolution for heritage (and downloading previous nintendo games), but may get the Xbox 360 for burnout: revenge and perfect dark: zero (or maybe halo 3). Those are the only standout games for now, but I absolutely hate Sony. (don't ask why.)
  23. yhugtfdrcechyju www.thegtaplace.com bvfcd67ytfgfrd bn bhgv vfvgbnjhqwerty f ewoh foh auhq9wp298012902319 F KSHGFUPO29QTYGH897-Q3hhadsl:uip#%U7 spDHIOPF. comment: multiple smashes, pasting and my keyboard almost lost its loose key (seriously, it's almost off, it's been loose for ages)
  24. You can only audition for 3 official crews, vERt, Z3ro Signal and Wasteland heroes.
  25. SNES, Genesis, GBC, Gamecube, N64 and a few others I can't remember (old skool shit) XboX died.
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