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Posts posted by Akuma

  1. Stop changing your font. Opps i didnt see that Ehsan made the topic, sorry goes out to him


    how do u do in your Consule!!? no matters if is not in PC.

    Just tell me some way if u Can!

    The rest, - I'll make it up.


    What did you just say?

    When did anyone say anything about suspension?

  2. @ Spaz, didn't your old sig have "Lots of Ducks" (LOD)

    and your new one have a duck? Seems like a relation, but its your sig.

    ^Av: 6.5/10 (i like cars)

    Sig: Cool style, with Tommy: 8/10.

    Personality: A bit of a noob. but i could be wrong.

  3. i vote lance wilson (ryder for the misinformed, i think) because he's Eazy-E!!!!!1111one!!!eleven!!!

    Probably tommy, but the post above me votes Ryder due to lack of grammar, no full stops its all one big sentence.

    Tommy because he has a mansion and he's so damn old.

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