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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. So, did you marry the penguin? =P

  2. There aren't any on PC, no matter if you plug 2 controllers.
  3. nothing much, you?

  4. Wow, that helped me to pass Rumble in GTA III. The Exchange is fucking difficult.
  5. Trivia Announcement: TRIPLE questions allowed. If you've seen the LCS trivia rules, you'll see what is it.
  6. Happy b-day, mate! Enjoy your new year of death, Satan and 666
  7. Heh, I sometimes check Birthdays list and when I see someone that's spoken much in the forums and is known, I make a topic
  8. That's amazingly amazing! I've downloaded themes for Windows from DeviantArt and yes, they're fucking good. I still have one somewhere.
  9. When I was in the 5th grade, I've jumped from a very high wall and I didn't broke anything.
  10. I once broke my head with a fire extinguisher holder when I was 8.
  11. nothing much :)

  12. Or wait for a poor police car to come and BOOMZ!
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