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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. I don't flame people Welcome to the forums, read the rules and introduce on the link that azn said.
  2. "Hey, Jimmy, how are you!" "I'm fine, mom"
  3. Glory Hole Theme Park! Open from 1 to 3AM!
  4. Why don't you just don't unban me? I love GTAG, I know I've flamed and spammed everyone and every topic, I'm just really sorry.

    Please unban my IP and let me register, please!

  5. Avi: 9/10 Sig: 10/10 LCS LCS YAY! Person: 1000/10 An awesome friend!
  6. Eliting, maybe...?

    (see comment below)

  7. Maybe... Avatar: Uh/Ah! Sig: Eh!/Oh yeah! Person: 10/5
  8. I don't recommend you. It's a bit slow...
  9. ONFG! He copied that from GTAForums! Ah, but no problem. They're both Invision Power.
  10. I have Downtown Run 2 from them and the graphics of that, let me laugh, that is almost for a 8MB Graphics Card
  11. You are happy because Salvatore died? What a shame
  12. You don't know the rules of this... I will associate my word: Plane
  13. THE END... This was an tragiucal story.
  14. Resume: Toni (hurt): Sal? You.. here? Sal: Yeah, Toni, are you ok? The Forellis have been attacking all the time and without you, Leones are history. Toni: Sorry for that... *DIES* This was Toni Cipriani's story, he died... Salvatore survived...
  15. LCFR Talker: We have here, today a special guest! Talker 2: Who is it? Talker 1: IT'S.... TONI CIPRIANI!!!!!!! Toni: Hands at the air, fuckasses. Talker 2: Whoo, you are violent! (laugh) Toni: I KNOW I AM, JUST GIVE ME THE GODDAMNIT RADIO! Police: Freeze! We know that you're there, Toni Cipriani! Talker 3: We should get out! *Toni kills the talkers* Toni: Ha! No talkers, now... NO POLICE! Police: Shut the fuc..k *dies* Police Man 2: I'm gonna call SWAT! But in a hurry, if that Toni Cipriani catches me, I'm screwed. SWAT Telefonist: Hello, what you want? Toni: I'VE SAW YOU! *gun shot* FBI: Finally. We hurted Toni. Sal: What the fuck did you guys did? Police Man 3: Paralised him. Happy? Sal: NO! Wait here for a second, I'm going home to pick up something. *rocket launcher shot* What happened here...?
  16. Avi: 3/10 Meh... Sig: 4.45/10 Meh... Person: 5/10 It's just... a person.
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