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Everything posted by JustADummy

  2. Yes, that is normal. For me it says SA BMX 32.
  3. Adding to what you said, you can pass to level 13 and ahead. There are infinite levels.
  4. It's a admin from the back 05's
  5. Yes, I want it to say Spider Vice
  6. JustADummy


    You would be fucked up.
  7. Who the hell voted for Sky? Ok, fine. Is up to the mods.
  8. Chris... And this should be on Fun & Games...
  9. I just notices this new screenshot on GTAGaming: http://www.gtagaming.com/gtagaming/news/comments.php?i=1241 Cool, isn't it?
  10. HAHA! It's an April Fools, guys! How you would believe that? Don never go away!
  11. Rate, please. Huckleberry title: 2/10 WTF is Huck Jones
  12. Finally Chris. You've made an MP forum, cool!
  13. NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! You're not leaving right? *cries*
  14. First, this is on the wrong section Some people reported that SAMI isn't good and I agree. Try installing by the manual manner, if you don't know how, read this.
  15. Granted, but first you have to find a dick. I want 3 PC's
  16. First, yeah it's a bump because he didn't say anything useful Second, no need to caps. Third, just report the post and shut up. (Gerard if you see this topic, I'm not telling you what to do )
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