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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. Fallout is a big grid of squares in the sky, and certain ones fall. You have to keep avoiding the ones that fall. The last guy standing wins.

    Hay is a giant stack of hay that shifts and moves. Well, a bunch of squares of hay, at least. And you have to climb them and try to get to the top.

    Used to play both in other servers. It was plenty of fun, specially Hay :hurrhurr:

  2. You can download some saves but in order to use them you have to download a thing that disables Games For Windows Live save protection because without that program it'll say "Load Failed, Starting a new game".

  3. Europe ftw.

    True, we can have snow (Specially the UK) but still server don't get that affected and thank god its hot. Right now in Portugal I'm stuck in a laptop without lights due to a huge thunderstorm. Lucky shit is that my router has almost 100h of battery :D

    On topic: That sucks, now that I wanted to play... Hope you recover shit soon.

  4. My highest is six stars, have you guys ever tried

    going through the subway

    to escape the cops? Honestly, it is the simplest way to get away from them even on foot, bike or car.

    Yes, I did. Yes it is pretty easy and you just gotta avoid the trains, the most difficult part (for me) it's when you go to the street tracks, helicopters keep shooting and the map circle doesn't go off due to the quantity of cops outside, it sucks.

    It even sucks more (on the subway and in PC version) with the traffic at 100% :P It's suicide

  5. Oh hell yeah. I also hate when I'm trying to download shit, and this site like dlldatebase.com or some bullshit like that ALWAYS somehow gets linked to and I click on it. It has me choose a server((and that always gets your hopes up)), then "Your Download Should Start In 5 Seconds."......... Then "U HAZ 2 B REGISTARRD!!!". Pisses me off. Tell me this at the BEGINNING.
  6. I can't remember my first PC, wasn't really interested in PC's back then but it was a Dell. I still remember that horrible logo at night...

    Lol I still remember my old Windows 3.5 PC specs (more or lessy, actually).

    Processor Frequency: 90Mhz (LOL!)

    RAM: 5MB

    GFX Card: Dunno

    CD Drive: 4x

    That's not a lie, it was my ooooold system :hurrhurr:

  7. When i was little,i always got mad at Super Mario.The dumb little guy was always falling down,and i was smashing the keyboard,since then i have changed 3 keyboards and 5 mouses.


    WHEN you were little? That's assuming you aren't little now. When I was little, my NINTENDO CONTROLLER survived just fine through me playing Super Mario.

    True, 11 years old is still little.

    I still remember in the old days of GTA1, I was playing a mission and lost all my money, then I GOT SO MAD that I crashed the keyboard. :P Also yes, FEAR used to scare me too, specially the demo when you got to a zone which was fucking scary, that game fucked me completely.

  8. Direct2Drive and Steam are reliable. They're one of the most secure internet game shopping websites, Direct2Drive is even cheaper and faster because you pay the money and then get a DOWNLOAD code which you can insert somewhere and download the ORIGINAL game LEGALLY. As it's 14GB it could take a few hours or even one day.

  9. I have the worst PC, I know it:

    - Processor: Intel Core2Quad 2.4Ghz

    - GFX Card: (a sucky) nVidia GeForce 8500 GT (I mean CR of crap) - 512MB OC'd and still can't do good on IV.

    - Monitor: Acer AL1715 - 17'

    - HDD: SAMSUNG HD321KJ (298 GB)

    - DVD Drive: TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202N (16-52x)

    - Audio: Realtek ALC662 @ Intel 82801HB ICH8 - High Definition Audio Controller

    You do realize raybob specifically said no sarcasm and yet you do that....

    The specs are real. Or you mean that I said that I had the worse PC? :P

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