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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. This is a tiny version of a 16,000 by 12,000 pixel Hubble image of M101, also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy, a “grand design” galaxy with full, intricately detailed spiral arms. Read more about it here, or go right to the download page here. Be forewarned: the full-size graphic is about 455 megabytes! Other variations of the picture are also available, such as close-ups of other galaxies clearly visible in the background. If you have a large monitor (maybe a 30″ LCD screen?) this is just the thing. All it needs is a small label on the bottom, “Objects may be larger than they appear.”

    Source: http://stevespeeves.wordpress.com/2006/02/...ver-if-you-can/

    Image: http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/html/heic0602a.html

    Downloaded it, massive size but very cool.

  2. Yeah it doesn't. People who say it does are either just sheep following a crowd, or quite often they happened to try a beta version of it (those did suck, lacked drivers etc.) and believe the final build is exactly like that, which it isn't.

    A common complaint is the fact is that it uses more resources, memory/space etc., than XP. Which is kind of a given though, it has more stuff so of course it will. If you have a low end system then yes, XP is probably a better option, it doesn't mean Vista sucks, it just means you need better hardware to run it properly.

    All operating systems have legitimate reasons why they "suck", Vista just got more stick because 1. It's by Microsoft, and 2. It was rushed and it could've been a better product.

    Fucking right. I love Vista, if you have an average or good PC you can run it without a problem, it doesn't suck... AT ALL.

  3. In Russian:

    2. Brother, you're very ugly! Unlike me, I'm handsome! = Брат, ты очень безобразный. В отличие от меня, я красивый! (Brat, ty ochen byezobrazny. V otlichie ot menya, ya krasivy!)

    Why does a phrase seem so little in English and so long in Russian? lol

    É vergonha que ninguém saiba Português! (It's a shame that nobody knows Portuguese)

    É mesmo mau (It IS bad)

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