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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. ROFL, I still remember when me and Llama were playing and some cunt called 'cj' started to say:

    'lol u suck u dont have respect'; 'i respect llamallama not spidervice' (Llama slapped him for this), and then he said another thing that leaded to another slap :P

    It was roarsome seeing him losing health and saying 'OMG STOP!!!' :lol:

  2. @Connor:

    Avi: 3/10 I don't like it... :/

    Sig: 3/10 I don't like it either. No offence eh?!

    Person: 2/10 - Sorry for this score but what you did before was unforgetful.


    Avi: 8/10 Very good, IMO.

    Sig: 8.60/10 Like it for some reason but it could be better

    Person: 9/10 - Haven't spoke to him in ages. We used to but now not.

  3. Yeah, that 8500GT is really dragging the rest of your PC down. Get an 8600 or an ATi 3850, then you'll be able to run the game no problem.

    I don't have any problems with GTAIV on my 8500GT. Download EVGA Precision and (if you have a cooler, it can be a stock cooler like mine) overclock it to:

    Core Clock: 670Mhz

    Memory Clock: 450Mhz

    That is the maximum and if you overclock more, you'll have some problems in games like artifacts, etc. With those settings I get over 29FPS in the benchmark, average of 15/28FPS outside and some outraging 60FPS inside. ;)

  4. @Llama: Yes, but the server says its offline, I enter it and I only see Spaz there. Stopped. :(

    Edit: God, I think I was hacked. I don't have any filters, I only see one server, the TGTAP Server is Offline and when I go to Recently Played I see a server that I've never played before (Bullets freeroam) and its offline too. The only one that isnt offline is some weird server.

  5. When weird gay people from portugal tell me that they want to marry me, via their signature. :wtf:

    Not me! >.< *runs*

    I get easily pissed off when someone tries to pwn me and sometimes I want people to always understand me and never say things that I don't agree. It's weird, I know.

  6. You know, if you wana me to write properly, i can write properly...but i prefer to abreviate, cuz its faster...and my english isnt that good because im portuguese ok? so if you didnt know, english aint my first and my favourite language...and by the way, didnt you get everything i wrote?? huh?? so why are you complaining??? what you should simply do is, comment on what i wrote...not how i wrote...e olha lá ó tu aí, tabem ke és portugues e tal, mas isso nao te dá o direito d t tares a comparar kmg, eu escrevo como kero, esta é a minha maneira de escrever, tens algum problema?? se tens diz a mim, nao digas aos teus amiguinhos ok?? and for you guys, i just wrote what i saw, and heard..it didnt look to me like he had a rat face, but thats what the guy told me...but anyways, i guess no one wil believe, so i wont even say it anymore.. :whistle:

    Portuguese: desculpa e o k acontece quando nao estou de bom humor. desculpa la pá. e acalma-te e participa :P

    English: Actually, just lets keep on topic: I heard there's a minigun in the top of the empire state building... Never tried it because the Maverick can't get there and I see no minigun.

  7. And also, no the other pictures aren't photoshopped. In some parts of Europe and America you can have 30+MB/sec internet speed.

    Here's mine (as of January 21th) (And also it can be a bit slower than before because the internet shares signal with the TV, etc):


    Lolwtf, what the hell was that 2KB/sec upload? I have the lowest upload speed ever :P

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