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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. Read the release notes carefully. They said you gotta activate DirectImput (controller compatibility) by yourself, here's a quote of what they said about it:


    • Direct input device support is now disabled by default and can only be enabled with the commandline: "-usedirectinput"

    And here's instructions on how to make a commandline:

    1. Open notepad and write a document with "-usedirectinput" (without the ")

    2. Save it in your GTA IV Root folder (Disk:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV) named as commandline.

    Hope it gets fixed.

  2. I made two more videos regarding the server, more are to come.

    L-RiC this one is for you, I took it when you were driving me places with your yellow sports car:


    And this one is for everyone else, it's random too.


    HAHAHA, I was underwater and when Franswurst felt from the plane I said *takes screenie* :P

    What a coincidence.

    Also, damn you for making me driving the heli badly! :P

  3. Yeah I actually planned on asking that myself. Don't expect an answer though...

    I'll try my trick of engaging in casual conversation then randomly slipping in a question to catch them off guard :P

    Lol I'd love to do that to a game developer

    Also, ask them and secretly PM/Bulk email all members with details, etc. :P

  4. Go to a folder and click Alt, then a menu should appear. Click Tools, Folder Options and then View: Mark "See hidden folders" and click OK. Now go to the location I told you and copy that savegame. Now download a possible alternative to Rick's hack (dunno if it works): Here.

    Also, are you running XP or Vista?

  5. It's not there.

    Activate hidden folders by clicking (if Vista) on Alt, then Tool and Folder Options. Search for the "Show Hidden Folders" feature and go to the following location: "YOUR DISK:\Users\YOUR NAME\App Data\Local\Rockstar Games\GTAIV.

    There will be folders named savegames, settings, etc. Copy the savegames to there.

    PS: The savegames may not work if you don't install Rick's GFWL hack (Not illegal, don't scare) so it accepts saves from other people's accounts. Google that.

  6. the point of that was that the games run under the min requirements. so if anyone want to play a game then he/she must try it. not asking without trying after asking.

    and yes. I was just interested what do you say if I ask "can I run gta IV" on comp. what shouldn't run it but it runs it.

    You seem to have the Reflections on Very High on that GTAIV Screen. Maybe that's because it's slow.

  7. Not sure, unless I've missed it from recent previews we don't. Original filename was just Biker_Chick_Art_copy.jpg which doesn't give away any information other than the fact she is female and rides a motorbike. Oh and also drinks piss water. :P

    Thinking to other female artworks, I guess she could play a role as large as Elizabeta's, or be practically not in the game, like Lola. I guess that's something I might find out in NY.

    Whoa. You're going to NY (yet again)? Awesome, be sure to steal TLAD and take some piccies :hurrhurr:


  8. So is the server worth it?

    Shame about the location though, right in the middle of the US, useless for at least 60% of our visitors who are nowhere near it. I see on game-monitor some of your pings are so damn high. Perhaps we could get a server somewhere in the EU too. That's if this proves to be popular anyway.

    Hope you guys are enjoying it :)

    Yep, it is worth it. ;)

    Also, yes my ping is super high due to location. We could do a [EU] server and a [uS] server, just an European person has to own it...

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