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Everything posted by Connor

  1. Lol, your dog still looks like a penis. In a cute way.
  2. Ecstacy is more of a chavvy little teenager thing nowadays, I dabble more into learning about cannabis and heroin.
  3. I thought the same. THE EYES...THE EYES! Fucking scary shit man.
  4. OMG OMG http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7990927.stm They both look like they've had a few pills themselves.
  5. Ohhh fuckkkkkkkkk! EDIT: Wait a sec, where does it say it's going to end in 2011?
  6. Yeah it's fucking sick, you could get aids from this shit.
  7. I went for a shit, like once at school, in my life, I had epic stomach pains. I was pissed off that they can't be arsed to clean it, so I pissed all over the floor and the seat.
  8. Shit and piss all over the seat and wait.
  9. lol at "I almost fell in"...fucking epic. Maybe if you were dying for a dump and you just launched yourself backwards towards the toilet...
  10. LOLLL I JUST JOINED! HAAHHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! Read from here. Pretty obvious that the earth is round.
  11. epic avatar...you've now gained a 5 star rating off me. :P

  12. I question the "alternate univese" concept. There are just too many references to all be easter eggs. Love Fist are mentioned multiple times, the mansion, Lazlow saying he used to work on Chatterbox, the TVs that have images from San Andreas on them, they are found all over the place. I think this city is in the same universe, it just "replaces" the other city. So the other city never actually existed. Meaning that, while canon, Claude and Toni's missions took place in this city. This is just IMO, I understand no one else takes this view. And despite the graffiti, I think Claude is still alive. Cause you can't kill him, he is just too good for that, and he was too young to die of old age. (That last bit was all IMO, of course, however ridiculous MO is ) It's a game, not something that was created out of nothing, it's obviously gonna have a lot of references.
  13. I just fell on the floor and pissed myself.
  14. Ah, it was because I set my clock back.
  15. Hmm, this is weird. Unless something is fucking with me. I'll try reinstalling.
  16. It says the service is temporarily unavailable. It works on eBuddy tho...so I'm confused, this happening with anyone else?
  17. I mentioned that before and had an arguement about it, it's actually 5 years.
  18. See how many bottles of smirnoff it takes to have a rectal prolapse.
  19. Never been banned. Warned and suspended on here tho.
  20. No I wouldn't, I don't even want to be rich, I like to work for what I have.
  21. It's obviously going to have similarities though.
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