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Plo Koon

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Everything posted by Plo Koon

  1. hm I can't be ready because I don't have a psp to be ready for it. I think it should be different then the gta games that were already released. Because if they did make a Vice City for the psp then that would get boring quite fast. Make the game in New York or something, but whatever.
  2. Well congradulations, your 360 works fine then, you were one of the lucky ones out of the bunch then. Hm smallpancake when you are buying gamesystems you should always look at the "real" price in stores.
  3. hm well I haven't played vc for awhile but I think it is near that garage where you showed us that picture and/or near the stadium, it is in a alley. Maybe it is near that shop where you had to kill that guy who crashed that love fist cd festival thing.
  4. um idiot? um child? don't post if your spelling sucks. Did you know that man invented the dictionary or you know their is a such of a thing called a search engine where you can search the words that you can't spell. And omg spaz English Grammer for Dummies LOL
  5. I'm not saying that the 360 sucks. I played it at EB Games and it wasn't a bad looking system. The system itself looked good, I liked the design the controllers were the same but when I played a racing game on their, I hated how R1 was the gas I say that the Revolutions has a good chance on beating the 360. Since that the 360 has 1000's of complaints about it freezing and heating up quickly. Maybe Nintendo will finally pull off something good, their better be better games for the Revolutions then for the GameCube. Yea I am also beginning to think that Nintendo should at least own 40% of the gaming industry but they have lost quite a big due to Sony and Microsoft joining in. Well doesn't matter, it all matters on who likes which system. I don't really care if people think that the PS3 is going to be shit or the 360 or the Revolutions. I still think that they are good systems, but yea.
  6. Plo Koon


    Who ever thinks that this stupid dam cold blooded should be saved is a dam lunatic. Gangs are not good if you haven't noticed that. They KILL for fun, they like to do all sorts of shit that will make this world seem shity. tOOKIE what a stupid name for a gang leader even though that isn't his real name. God dam stupid idiots, to hell with this dude, I hope he gets it real hard when they execute him. I hope his eyes burst out, maybe he will feel the pain as what he did to others. He shall burn in hell with satin. I think that the police, army or the swat(depends what country you live in) should go and wipe out the gangs and execute the gang members, man that would be a huge war but I think that it would be worth it. Well maybe some gangs are good but not all. Gang leaders shall die, you can't save them. Jesus what is next, are you going to try and save Saddam Hussein.
  7. mhm a fan of the good old Sony yes. Since sony pwns everyone. Did I tell you guys that sony owns at least 70% of the gaming industry and as microsoft and nintendo only own 15% each .it isn't a lie
  8. I wouldn't get the 360 even if someone sold it to me for $30 dollars lol
  9. Plo Koon


    ahuh what spaz said, let the mother fucker die and try to save him LOL, he cannot be saved he is going to be executed, like who the gently caress would want to save that guy, maybe his gang lol
  10. Well when I saw it before it was a free forum.
  11. Thats awesome. I have 1 fan on the right side and 1 close to my hdd's. It is nice to have fans near your hdd's, they keep them cool.
  12. hm I will be jealous when you get that. But I am going to be smart for once and get the P5 right away ahuh expensive meh. I have 2 fans in my computer or was it 3. Ya it was 3. Your fan sounds like a plane taking off, boy that would be something to here from a fan.
  13. hm AMD well when I went to a store to see which one is better (Intel or AMD) and they said Intel because Intel is for heavy gaming and AMD they said well when you play lots of good games like Unreal Tournament and games like that on a AMD then the computer will crash or the chip will fry so I got a Intel because the chips don't heat up quickly like the AMD does. Nice 3 slots and you are planning on filling them all up with 3 gig's or ram dam that will be sweet. Fast ass computer. But the Processor is what makes the computer good = obvious I know
  14. The Truth because he is weird and a drug dude
  15. Well my computer only has 2 slots to put memory in so when i get another 1 gig of ram I will sell the 256 mb ram so then I will then have 2 gigs. I need a faster processor also since I am a huge gamer and a heavy program user. Can't wait for P5's to come out and Windows Vista.
  16. Ah and I forgot to mention that I have a Sony DVD Burner and a LG CD Burner
  17. lol site hacker well um you could of named me since I already killed 6 sites lol omg I want another thing from santy claus, I want all the stores who did sell the xbox360 to stop selling them because it is shit. okay that isn't it but I do want some nice glowing neon speakers and shit like that. Yea total game freak = me mm so now I shall look up some dam good porn ahuh yes. m I sound alittle dam weird today. I shouldn't of taken that stuff from people gahaha
  18. what kind of system are you running? Does your computer meet the game requirements?
  19. I will say it again, Rap really sucks. All what it is, is slow singing and stupid music in the background. God I can't stand rap I go crazy. Rock music is the way to go and some Techno shit is good too. Rap sucks. That is my opinion so don't go haywire.
  20. Since when did I say anything about that care shit. Quit making things up it will set a bad reputation for you. And how is that funny. I have no idea.
  21. what makes you think I care about suspentions do it, I don't really care. It is called multiple accounts.
  22. See that is the problem with some forums. Too many rules. Like I go on hacking forums, warez forums, star wars forums and other forums also and guess what their is no rule about posting in old topics. I laugh at that rule and I will never listen to it. Even though I never post in old topics but whatever. Still who cares about posting in old topics. It is the word "active" that you guys should be watching for. I really could care less about people posting in old topics. It just makes the forum look better. And when a forum has too many rules then that becomes a problem. And I, I don't listen to people who try and control me because that will never happen. No one has ever been able to control me. If they did they wouldn't be speaking to me for months ahahahaha. So the posting in old topics should not be a dam RULE. It is good for the forum. I am sure that only 2% of the members on this site haven't even looked at the rules. I didn't and I never will. I am still laughing at this rule ahahaha The only real rule that you guys should of put is be active and have fun here. hm meh my Rise of Nations game won't work *cries* it has these stupid microsoft error report things. AHHH why does this sometimes happen to me when i download things. Oh dear I went offtopic. I guess you guys better warn me now
  23. any song on the best radio station VRock.
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