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Everything posted by Alkali64

  1. DUMPED MAH LOAD ON MAH CAT! !!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hey, I'm sure a few people know of it. http://www.dreamviews.com I've tried this a few good times now, but the other night i believe a had my first experience! In my dream I was unicycling down a steep hill with a long winding rough dirt trail along it, and as I declined I picked up more and more speed. I was about to attempt to slow down but then I decided, "This is crazy, I must be dreaming." I sped around a tight corner at a very tight angle and it felt amazing to do it, but then as I rounded off from the corner I went over a bump that launched me about a meter in the air and towards a gap in the track. Instincts took over and I lost lucidity but the rest of the dream was enjoyable, from my science teacher riding a penny farthing but not picking up enough speed and rolling back off into some bushes to rebuilding my falling apart unicycle, which I somehow lost my pedals a few miles back. I also screwed a screw between my eyes into a little hole so my face didn't come loose, although that was weird. Oh yeah, I was unicycling as fast as possible because my science class had gone on ahead while I was screwing my face on and I had to catch up.
  3. Did you like, do that on purpose??? Anyway, i do think there should be an army base in LC. Just for the sake of the tanks (If there are tanks in LC anyway...).
  4. But isn't that what GTA's all about? Causing chaos??? Unrealistic? Yes. Fun as hell? Yes!!!
  5. Grrrrrr... I know this one... Casa something??
  6. lulz. No actually, i run on a constant charge of good looks.
  7. Send the money to the usual PayPal account.
  8. Hentai... Jk. I used to watch DBZ when i was a kid. Over powered ape's on steroids ftw?
  9. *Starts drum solo* Killing in the name of - RATM
  10. On who would be Niko's enemy, aren't Diaz, Lance Vance, Big Smoke and Sonny Forelli all dead???
  11. There are hundreds of possibility's regarding them... i don't think there should be any one answer. Maybe they all just continued to cause chaos and randomly kill pedestrians... At least thats what my CJ did.
  12. The bottom one really gives you a good idea about exactly how big GTA IV will be. Nice!
  13. Yup... Sure i know about it... I'm absolutely soaked...
  14. Well thats helpful... What settings do you have it at?
  15. Look at that Gycu, always looking out for our members. I'd like to meet TM, GTA DON, Chris, Rockstarrem, IVAN and Dirty Harry...
  16. ZOMG A FLOATING CAR!!!! Lulz. Good eye man, they should really check for these things before they actually ship the game off.
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